The Yiddish Book Center's Yiddish Book Center Recorded Programs

Lectures, events, and public programs recorded at the Yiddish Book Center

TALK | "Fear and Other Stories," with translator Anita Norich | Tuesday, December 13

Anita Norich

About this program:

TALK | "Fear and Other Stories," with translator Anita Norich | Tuesday, December 13

Featuring: Anita Norich

Fear and Other Stories, translated by Anita Norich, from Yiddish to English of the collected stories of Chana Blankshteyn (~1860–1939), a woman who may be almost entirely forgotten now but was widely admired during her long and productive life. The mere existence of these stories is itself a remarkable feat as the collection was published in July 1939, just before the Nazis invaded Poland and two weeks before Blankshteyn’s death. Anita Norich’s introduction argues that this is not a work of Holocaust literature (there are no death camps, partisans or survivors of WWII), but anti-Semitism is palpable, as is the threat of war and its aftermath

Presented as part of the Yiddish Book Center’s 2022 Great Jewish Books Club. Learn more about the Book Club here:



 Anita Norich is Collegiate Professor Emerita of English and Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan.  She is the translator of Fear and Other Stories by Chana Blankshteyn (forthcoming, 2022) and A Jewish Refugee in New York by Kadya Molodovsky (2019). She is also the author of Writing in Tongues: Yiddish Translation in the 20th CenturyDiscovering Exile: Yiddish and Jewish American Literature in America During the HolocaustThe Homeless Imagination in the Fiction of Israel Joshua Singer, and co-editor of Languages of Modern Jewish Cultures: Comparative Perspectives (2016), Jewish Literatures and Cultures: Context and Intertext, (2008), and Gender and Text in Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literatures (1992).

This event took place on December 13, 2022. It was presented online by the Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, MA.

This recording was digitized and added to the library in December 2022.

This recording is in English

More information about this recording:

View the full record for this recording on Internet Archive.