The Yiddish Book Center's Yiddish Book Center Recorded Programs

Lectures, events, and public programs recorded at the Yiddish Book Center

Book Talk : Frume Halpern's Blessed Hands with Yermiyahu Ahron Taub

Yermiyahu Ahron Taub

About this program:

Book Talk : Frume Halpern's Blessed Hands with Yermiyahu Ahron Taub

Featuring: Yermiyahu Ahron Taub

Yermiyahu Ahron Taub, poet and translator, will discuss his newly released translation of Frume Halpern’sshort story collection Blessed Hands (Frayed Edge Press). He is also an alum of the Center’s Yiddish Translation Fellowship. Yermiyahu will be joined by Sebastian Schulman for a short conversation and Q&A. 

The program was presented as part of the Yiddish Book Center’s 2024 Great Jewish Books Club

Yer­miyahu Ahron Taub is the author of six books of poet­ry: The Edu­ca­tion of a Daf­fodil: Prose Poems (Di bil­dung fun a geln nart­sis: prozelid­er)A moyz tsvishn vakldike volkn-krat­sers: gek­libene Yidishe lider (A Mouse Among Tot­ter­ing Sky­scrap­ers: Select­ed Yid­dish Poems); Prayers of a Heretic (Tfiles fun an apikoyres); Uncle FeygeleWhat Still­ness Illuminated (Vos shtilka­yt hot baloykhtn); and The Insa­tiable Psalm. A CD of nine of Taub’s Yid­dish poems set to music, Tsug­reyt­ndik zikh tsu tantsn: naye Yidishe lider (Preparing to Dance: New Yid­dish Songs), was released in 2014. He was hon­ored by the Muse­um of Jew­ish Her­itage as one of New York’s best emerg­ing Jew­ish artists and has been nom­i­nat­ed four times for a Push­cart Prize and twice for a Best of the Net award. Taub is an alum of the Yiddish Book Center’s Translation Fellowship Program.

This event took place on May 23, 2024. It was presented online by the Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, MA.

This recording was digitized and added to the library in May 2024.

This recording is in English

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