Lectures, events, and public programs recorded at the Yiddish Book Center
Bruno Schulz and the Hijacking of History, with Benjamin Balint
Benjamin Balint
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Bruno Schulz and the Hijacking of History, with Benjamin Balint
Featuring: Benjamin Balint
Bruno Schulz was born an Austrian, lived as a Pole, and died a Jew. He was a master of twentieth-century imaginative fiction who mapped the anxious perplexities of his time; Isaac Bashevis Singer called him “one of the most remarkable writers who ever lived. He wrote sometimes like Kafka, sometimes like Proust, and at times succeeded in reaching depths that neither of them reached.” Schulz was also a brilliant graphic artist whose masochistic drawings would catch the eye of a sadistic Nazi officer. During the Second World War, Schulz’s art became the currency in which he bought life. Sixty years after Schulz was murdered, his last murals were miraculously rediscovered, only to be secretly smuggled by Israeli agents to Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.
Benjamin Balint will discuss how the ensuing international furor summoned broader perplexities about who has the right to curate orphaned artworks and to construe their meanings.
This event took place on July 21, 2024 at the Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, MA and was streamed online.
This recording was digitized and added to the library in August 2024.
This recording is in English