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אידיש ווערטערבוך
יהואש, נפ' 1927 | ספיוואק, חיים, 1861-1927
Idish ṿerṭerbukh enṭhalṭ ale Hebreaishe (un Khaldeishe) ṿerṭer ... miṭ a'n aynleyṭung fun neṭhige klolim un bemerḳungen, un a baylage fun Hebraishe perzonen-nemen ..
Yehoash, d. 1927 | Spivak, C. D, 1861-1927
This edition was published in 1926 by Ṿeḳer in Nyu Yorḳ. It was digitized and added to the library in January 2009.
Published in Yiddish, 382 pages.