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דאס נייע ווארט
שאפירא, ש, 1889-1973 | גובקין, י, נ' 1899 | ווייסמאן, ש, 1899-1985
Dos naye ṿorṭ
Shapiro, Solomon, 1889-1973 | Gubḳin, Y, b. 1899 | Wiseman, Shloime, 1899-
This edition was published in 1954 by Pinḥas Gingold farlag baym Tsenṭral ḳomiṭeṭ fun di Yidishe folḳshuln in di Fareyniḳṭe Shṭaṭn un Ḳanade in Nyu-Yorḳ. It was digitized and added to the library in January 2009.
Published in Yiddish, 334 pages.