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טביה דער מילכיקער : אויסגאבע פאר שול און היים
שלום-עליכם | קאזדאן, ח. ש
Ṭevyeh der milkhiḳer oysgabe far shul un heym
Sholem Aleichem, 1859-1916 | Kazdan, Ḥayyim Solomon, 1883-1979
This edition was published in 1961 by Alṭer Rozenṭal-fond far Yidisher ḳinder-liṭeraṭur bay der gezelshafṭ "Ḳulṭur un hilf i.n. Arṭur Zigelboym" in Buenos-Ayres. It was digitized and added to the library in January 2009.
Published in Yiddish, 152 pages.