The Yiddish Book Center's Steven Spielberg Digital Yiddish Library

More than 11,000 Yiddish titles available to read online or download free of charge

דאס אידישע קינד : א לערבוך : באשטימט פאר די אידישע קלאסן אין די תלמוד-תורה'ס

רודאי, פנחס, 1888-1966

Dos Idishe ḳind a lerbukh : bashṭimṭ far di Idishe ḳlasn in di Talmud-Toyreʹs

Rudoy, Pinḥas, 1888-1966

This edition was published in 1931 by Hibru pob. ḳo in Nyu Yorḳ. It was digitized and added to the library in January 2009.

Published in Yiddish, 130 pages.