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דאס ליד פונם יידישן קוילו גרעבער
אינדעלמאן, אלחנן | וויינער, לעאן | גאלאמב, ה
Dos lid funm Yidishn ḳoyln-greber
Indelman, Elchanan | Weiner, Leb, 1885-1960 | Golomb, H, 1853-1934
This edition was published in 1946 by Aroysgegebn durkhn opṭeyl far shul un ḳinder-shuts baym Ts. Ḳ. fun Yidn in Poyln in [Ṿarsha. It was digitized and added to the library in January 2009.
Published in Yiddish, 18 pages.