The Yiddish Book Center's

New York Public Library - Yiddish Book Center Yizkor Book Project

Memorial books that document Jewish life before World War II, along with vivid firsthand accounts of the Holocaust and its aftermath

ספר נובי־טארג והסביבה : זאקופנה, צ׳ארני דונאייץ, ראבקה, יורדנוב, שצ׳אווניצה, קרושצ׳נקו, יבלונקה, מאקוב־פודהלנסקי

‏ולצר־פאס, מיכאל

Sefer Novi-Ṭarg ṿeha-sevivah : Zaḳopanah, Ts'arni Dunayets, Rabḳah, Yordanuv, Shts'aṿnitsah, Ḳroshts'enḳo, Yablonḳah, Maḳov-Podhalansḳi

Walzer-Fass, Michael

This Yizkor book commemorates Nowy Targ (Nowy Sącz, Poland)

This edition was published in 1979 by Irgun yotsʼe Novi-Ṭarg ṿeha-sevivah be-Yiśraʼel in [Israel]. It was added to the digital library in January 2017.

Published in Hebrew
538 pages.

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