Film Screening and Director Talkback: The Last New Yorker, with Harvey Wang

Join us at the Yiddish Book Center on Sunday, October 20, 2:00 p.m. ET

Lifelong friends and New Yorkers Lenny Sugarman (Dominic Chianese) and Ruben Liebner (Dick Latessa) barely recognize the city of their youth. When Lenny, a small-time investor who’s always managed by rolling the dice on Wall Street, can no longer keep up with the times, Ruben hatches a plan to get them both out of the city they know and love. But Lenny’s not going anywhere. He’s got two last rolls of the dice: one for the money, and one for the love of a beautiful mystery woman.   

The Last New Yorker is a tale of friendship, love, and the world’s greatest city. 

Running time: 1 hour 30 minutes; English 

Following the film screening there will be a talkback with the director, Harvey Wang.

About the director

Man with blue dress shirt crossing his arms in front of graffitied wall.

Harvey Wang is an American photographer and filmmaker based in New York City. His iconic portraits of New Yorkers performing vanishing jobs are now on display at the Yiddish Book Center. He has published six books of photography, including Harvey Wang’s New York (1990) and, with co-author David Isay, Flophouse: Life on the Bowery (2000) and Holding On: Dreamers, Visionaries, Eccentrics and Other American Heroes (1995). His most recent book is From Darkroom to Daylight (2015). Wang has exhibited widely at museums, including the National Museum of American History at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., the New-York Historical Society, and the Museum of the City of New York. His films have screened at festivals all over the world. His short film about the photographer Milton Rogovin won the prize for Best Documentary Short at the Tribeca Film Festival. He lives and works in New York City.