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0:00 - Introduction 0:56 - Larry Discusses His Family Background

Keywords: Chicago, Illinois; Czechoslovakia; family background; family history; father; Glencoe, Illinois; grandparents; Hamburg, Germany; heritage; mother; roots

4:32 - Larry's Childhood Home and Family Culture

Keywords: 4th of July; brothers; childhood home; Christmas; civic engagement; Easter; Fourth of July; Glencoe, Illinois; holidays; Independence Day; left-wing politics; Memorial Day; parents; secular Judaism; secularism; siblings; sisters

12:09 - Larry Recalls the Culture He Encountered as a Child

Keywords: adolescence; books; childhood; Democratic Party; English language; father; folk singers; Glencoe Public Library; JFK; John F. Kennedy; Judaism; League of Women Voters; mother; parents; Paul Robeson; Pete Seeger; popular culture; reading; secularism; social justice; teenage years; The Weavers

20:34 - Larry Describes His Education at Columbia University

Keywords: 1960s; choral singing; college education; Columbia Chapel Choir; Columbia University; German language; higher education; languages; Latin language; musician; Oberlin College; undergraduate education; Vietnam War

31:38 - Connecting With Judaism By Attending Friends' Seders 33:52 - Larry Recounts How He Began Learning Yiddish

Keywords: "Der shpigl (The mirror)"; college education; English literature; English major; Hillel; I.B. Singer; Isaac Bashevis Singer; Itskhok Bashevis Zinger; learning Yiddish; Pearl Kahan; Yiddish language; Yiddish literature

43:25 - Larry Reflects on Why He is Drawn to Jewish Practice

Keywords: Ben-Zion Gold; childhood home; children; daughters; father; Harvard Hillel; Hebrew language; intermarriage; Judaism; Kathryn Hellerstein; languages; mixed marriages; musicians; religion; singers; spouse; translation; Wellesley College; wife; Yiddish language

50:35 - Larry's Involvement with the Havurat Shalom Community Seminary

Keywords: Chavurah movement; chavurot; children; daughters; Havurat Shalom; Hebrew liturgy; intermarriages; Judaism; mixed marriages; Quakers; religious observance

58:09 - Translating Yiddish Works and Joining a Yiddish Speaking Group

Keywords: "A fremder (A stranger)"; "The Mendele Review"; Alan Shuchat; I.J. Singer; Israel Joshua Singer; Kathryn Hellerstein; Marian Aptroot; Mendele listserv; Norman Miller; Richard Fein; Solon Beinfeld; translation; Wellesley College; Yiddish groups; Yiddishists

65:33 - Larry's Work on "The Mendele Review"

Keywords: Dovid Bergelson; Dovid Roskies; Golda Weman; Joseph Sherman; Mendele listserv; the "Mendele Review"; translation; Yiddish scholarship

70:56 - Larry Describes Connecting with Efrat Gal-Ed 78:10 - Larry Discusses His Views on Translation 85:39 - Larry Reflects the Relation Between His Work and His Politics

Keywords: civil disobedience; English literature; pacifism; pacifist; politics; Shalom Aleichem; Shalom Rabinovitz; Sholem Aleichem; Sholem Aleykhem; Sholem Rabinovich; Sholem Rabinovitch; Sholem Rabinovitsh; Sholom Rabino; war tax resistance; Yiddish poetry

95:07 - Larry on Whether He Considers Himself a Yiddishist 97:12 - Larry's Favorite Yiddish Writer

Keywords: Efrat Gal-Ed; favorite author; Itzik Manger; Yiddish authors; Yiddish literature; Yiddish poetry; Yiddish poets; Yiddish writers

99:06 - An Encounter with Isaac Bashevis Singer

Keywords: academia; academics; Avraham Novershtern; future of Yiddish; I.B. Singer; Isaac Bashevis Singer; Itskhok Bashevis Zinger; Kathryn Hellerstein; scholars; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language

104:54 - Yiddish as a Bridge-Builder Between People 109:16 - Larry Talks About Performing in Yiddish 111:48 - Larry's Advice for Students of Yiddish