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0:00 - Introduction 0:37 - Arthur's Family Background

Keywords: "Vilna" (off-Broadway play); 1950s; ancestors; ancestry; aunt; burial; cemetery; Donald Trump; family background; family histories; grandfather; grandmother; great-grandmother; heritage; Ira Fuchs; Menachem Mendel Schneerson; Montefiore Cemetery; Old Country; plays; playwright; Przedborz; Przedbórz, Poland; Pshedboz'; rabbi; the Lubavitcher Rebbe; theater; theatre; uncle; Woody Guthrie; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt

7:52 - Arthur's Grandmother's Role in the Vilna Troupe and Stories from His Wedding

Keywords: "Der dibek" ("The Dybbuk"); 1920s; 1930s; 1940s; acting; actor; actress; aunt; Donald Rumsfeld; family diaries; grandmother; marriage; philosophy; rabbi; Shlomo Carlebach; Vil'na; Vilna; Vilna Troupe; Vilner Trupe; Vilnius, Lithuania; wedding; Wilno; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

12:41 - Arthur's Family's Immigration to the United States and His Father's Early Life

Keywords: 1920s; 1940s; British protectorate; education; father; folkshul (public/elementary school, Yiddish secular school); grandmother; gravestone; high school; immigration and migration; North Africa; Second World War; tales; talis; talit; talith; tallis; tallit; tallith; United States; Vietnam War; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII; Yiddish language; YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

19:02 - Arthur Discusses the Housing Projects in Queens, New York in the 1960s

Keywords: 1950s; 1960s; Cold War; Flushing, Queens; housing; housing discrimination; housing projects; Levittown, Long Island, New York; middle class; Pomonok Houses; Queens, New York City, New York; Russia; unions

22:29 - Arthur's Jewish Education and Bar Mitzvah

Keywords: bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; education; father; Hebrew school; Holocaust survivor; Jewish learning; Judaism; parents; religious observance; school; secret language; Sholem Aleichem Folkshul; the Four Questions; yeshiva; Yiddish language; Yiddish school

27:31 - Arthur Talks About Yiddish Theater and Tells a Story about His Father in World War II

Keywords: "Prince of Poland"; climate change; cousin; El Alamein; El-Alamein, Egypt; family stories; father; Fillmore East; Fyvush Finkel; grandmother; military history; North Africa; Second World War; the Second Battle of El Alamein; Vil'na; Vilna Troupe; Vilner Trupe; Vilnius, Lithuania; Wilno; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII; Yiddish culture; Yiddish plays; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

32:56 - Arthur Highlights Aspects of Jewish Life and His Family that He Connects With

Keywords: family background; family history; farmer; farming; farms; garment industry; great uncle; Jewish culture; Jewish food; Katz's Deli; Katz's Delicatessen; Yiddish

34:49 - Arthur's Perspective on Israel and on Societal Issues of the Past and Present

Keywords: 1950s; climate change; Daoism; discrimination; environmentalism; Hebrew language; Holocaust; Israel; Judaism; khurbm; khurbn; Palestine; Palestinians; politics; Shoah; spirituality; Taoism; television; Woolworths; Zionism; Zionists

42:57 - Arthur's Educational Background and Experiences in School

Keywords: bullying; childhood; demographics; Donald Trump; education; folkshul (public/elementary school, Yiddish secular school); high school; New York City; P.S. 200 Benson School; Parsons Community School; Parsons Junior High School; Pomonok Houses; Pomonok Nursery; public education; public schools; rabbi

50:03 - Arthur Recalls Some Past Creative Pursuits

Keywords: 1970s; 1980s; Bob Dylan; childhood; children; creativity; family; father; money; music; parents; rabbi; singer; songwriter; Spike Lee

55:22 - Arthur Talks About Civil Disobedience and His Hope in Youth to Change the World

Keywords: Cambodia; children; civil disobedience; Hebrew language; Long Island Expressway; police; political movements; political protests; politics; Queens College; social movements; war; world peace; youth

60:15 - Arthur Discusses the Spiritual Concepts that Resonate with Him 66:38 - Social Justice and Arthur's Jewish Identity

Keywords: Allen Ginsberg; assimilation; Bob Dylan; economic justice; Jewish history; Jewish identity; Jewishness; Judaism; Marianne Williamson; Oral Torah; Richie Havens; Shlomo Carlebach; social justice; spirituality; stories; Torah; Vil'na; Vilna; Vilnius, Lithuania; Wilno; Yiddish language

73:08 - Arthur Describes His Current Family Dynamics 77:16 - Arthur Discusses the Project of Translating His Grandmother's Diaries

Keywords: 1930s; 1940s; diaries; family; family background; family history; family stories; grandmother; Henia Lewin; Henny Lewin; journals; Sol Zim; translating; translation; translators; Vilna Troupe; Vilner Trupe; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish language
