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0:00 - Introduction 0:43 - Andrei's Childhood in Moscow

Keywords: actors; Adyesa; architects; artists; arts; authors; dacha; datcha; datshe; David Oistrakh; directing; engineering; English language; father; Georgi Munblit; Georgiy Shtorm; grandfather; grandmother; housing projects; Ilya Ehrenburg; Isaac Babel; Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel; Isaac Livshits; Khrushchyovka; literature; Moscow, Russia; mother; music school; New Jerusalem; Odesa; Odessa, Ukraine; ophthamologists; performing; school; suburbs; writers

9:14 - Andrei Describes the Milieu of New Jerusalem

Keywords: "Novy Mir"; dacha; datcha; datshe; grandfather; grandmother; Isaac Babel; Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel; Isaac Livshits; Istra, Russia; Moscow, Russia; New Jerusalem; New Jerusalem Monastery; Paris, France; Resurrection Monastery; Russian arts; Russian authors; Russian culture; Russian Jews; Russian literature; Russian sciences; Valentin Kataev; Voskresensky Monastery

11:32 - Andrei's Family's Jewish Identity in the Soviet Union

Keywords: 1st Cavalry Army; aunt; Easter; grandmother; great-grandmother; Isaac Babel; Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel; Jewish community; Jewish culture; Jewish identity; Jewish religion; Joseph Stalin; Lyubavichi, Russia; matse; matza; matzah; matzo; Mestechko Lubavitchy; Moscow, Russia; mother; Nikolovorobinsky; pashke; Passover; Pesach; peysekh; Red Cavalry; Russian Army; Russian authors; Russian Civil War; Russian soldiers; Russian writers; Schneersohn family; seders; Siberia, Russia; Soviet Union; U.S.S.R.; USSR; widows; wife; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language

17:07 - Andrei Talks about Solomon Mikhoels and the Moscow State Yiddish Theatre

Keywords: "King Lear"; "The Travels and Adventures of Benjamin III"; "The Travels and Adventures of Benjamin the Third"; Abramowich, Shalom Jacob; actors; Benjamin III; Benjamin the Third; GOSET; grandfather; grandmother; Isaac Babel; Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel; King Lear; memoirs; Mendele Mokher Sefarim; Mendele Moykher Sforim; Mendele Moykher-Sforim; Moscow State Jewish Theater; Moscow State Yiddish Theater; Moscow, Russia; MosGOSET; perestroika; S. Mikhoels; Salomon Mijoels; Sh. Mikhoels; Shelomoh Mikhaʼels; Shelomoh Mikhoels; Shlomo Mikhoels; Shloyme Mikhoels; Sholem Yankev Abramovitsh; Solomon M. Michoels; Solomon Mikhaĭlovich Mikhoėl; Solomon Mikhaĭlovich Mikhoėls; Solomon Mikhailovich Mikhoels; Solomon Mikhaĭlovich Vovsi; Solomon Mikhoels; William Shakespeare; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

19:10 - How Andrei's Grandparents Met

Keywords: Antonina Nikolaevna Pirozhkova; autobiography; biography; churches; congregation; engineering; grandfather; grandmother; Isaac Babel; Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel; Krasnoyarsk, Russia; Krasny Yar, Siberia; Kuznetsk, Russia; Kuznetskstroi industrial plant; memoirs; Moscow Choral Synagogue; Russian authors; Russian language; Russian writers; schul; shul; Siberia, Russia; Soviet Union; synagogue; temple; Tomsk Institute of Transport Engineers; Tomsk, Russia; U.S.S.R.; USSR

24:39 - Andrei's Thoughts on Being Isaac Babel's Grandson

Keywords: aunt; Belgium; communism; execution; Five Year Plan; grandfather; great-aunt; great-uncle; Isaac Babel; Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel; murder; Nathalie Babel Brown; Sergei Eisenstein; Soviet Union; U.S.S.R.; USSR

29:49 - How Andrei Became a Theater Director

Keywords: "Turandot"; acting; actors; Alexander Ostrovsky; Alexandra Remizova; Armenian; artistic director; auditions; Boris Shchukin Theatre Institute; composing; directing; director; doctor; father; grandmother; Habimah; Judaism; MFA; mother; national theater of Israel; ophthalmologist; pianist; piano; prop master; property master; Pyotr Fomenko; Russian intelligensia; Russian theater; Russian theatre; teaching; Vakhtangov Theatre; Vakhtangov Theatre Academy; Vakhtangov Theatre Institute; writing; Yevgeniy Rubenovich Simonov; Yevgeniy Simonov; Yevgeny Vakhtangov; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; “The Dybbuk”

41:15 - Andrei Talks about Jewish and Armenian Actors in Russian Theater

Keywords: acting; actors; Armenians; Jewish people; Jews; Maria Sinelnikova; Russian theater; Russian theatre; Vera Lvova; Yevgeny Vakhtangov

45:14 - Andrei's Career After the Vakhtangov Theatre Academy

Keywords: "The Death of Tarelkin"; American theater; American theatre; David Schneiderov; David Schneyderov; directing; directors; LA; Los Angeles, California; Michel de Ghelderode; Moscow Chamber Forms Theatre; Moscow, Russia; Nathalie Babel Brown; Nikolai Erdman; perestroika; producers; Russian theater; Russian theatre; Soviet Union; theater company; theatre company; U.S.S.R.; USSR; Vakhtangov Theatre; Vakhtangov Theatre Academy; Vakhtangov Theatre Institute

48:17 - Andrei's Career in the United States After Leaving Russia

Keywords: "Don Quixote"; "Faust"; acting; actor; Asolo Conservatory for Actor Training; Asolo Repertory Company; Asolo Repertory Theatre; conservatory; directing; director; family; Florida State University; grandmother; Helen Hayes Awards; immigrant; immigration; mother; relatives; Russia; Russian theater; Russian theatre; Sarasota, Florida; Stanislavsky Theater Studio; teacher; teaching; theater company; theatre company; U.S.; United States; US; Washington, D.C.; Washington, DC; wife

53:40 - Andrei's Time in Washington, DC

Keywords: "To the Actor"; acting; actors; Anton Chekhov; bilingualism; directing; director; documentaries; English language; George Shdanoff; grandfather; grandmother; immigrants; immigration; Isaac Babel; Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel; JCC; Jewish Community Center; Jewish culture; LA; Los Angeles, California; Michael Chekhov; multilingualism; Neil Simon; perestroika; Rockville, Maryland; Russian expatriates; Russian expats; Russian Jews; Russian language; Theater J; Washington, D.C.; Washington, DC

57:33 - International Interest in Isaac Babel’s Work

Keywords: Adyesa; grandfather; grandmother; Habimah; Isaac Babel; Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel; Israel; L'viv, Ukraine; L'vov; Lemberg; Lemberik; Lowenberg; Lwów; Moscow, Russia; Odesa; Odessa, Ukraine; Paris, France; S. Mikhoels; Salomon Mijoels; Sh. Mikhoels; Shelomoh Mikhaʼels; Shelomoh Mikhoels; Shlomo Mikhoels; Shloyme Mikhoels; Solomon M. Michoels; Solomon Mikhaĭlovich Mikhoėl; Solomon Mikhaĭlovich Mikhoėls; Solomon Mikhailovich Mikhoels; Solomon Mikhaĭlovich Vovsi; Solomon Mikhoels; Tel Aviv, Israel; Yevgeny Vakhtangov

60:21 - Andrei Talks about Adapting Isaac Babel's Work for the Stage

Keywords: "Di Grasso"; "Froim Grach"; "Odessa Stories"; "Red Cavalry"; "Sunset"; "The Cemetery in Kozin"; "The King"; Dvoira Krik; Froim Grach; grandfather; grandmother; Ilya Ehrenburg; Isaac Babel; Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel; Konstantin Stanislavski; Sarah Kane; shtetel; shtetl; small town; theater; theatre; “How It Was Done in Odessa”

66:49 - Andrei Discusses Cultural Activism in Theater

Keywords: "Sunset"; "The King"; acting; activism; actors; André Malraux; audiences; directing; director; Dvoira Kirk; grandfather; Holocaust; Isaac Babel; Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel; Jewish culture; Jewish press; Jewish stereotypes; Madame Bendersky; Maxim Gorky; poet; poetry; Raisa Bendersky; Russia; Shoah; theater; theatre; writers; writing; Yiddish culture; “Guy de Maupassant”

73:58 - How Andrei Sees His Cultural Mission in Theater

Keywords: "Di Grasso"; Aaron Lansky; André Malraux; artists; author; creators; discipline; fascism; Giovanni Grasso; grandfather; idealism; Isaac Babel; Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel; literature; Maxim Gorky; Russian avant-garde; Russian language; theater; theatre; writer; writing; Yevgeny Vakhtangov; Yiddish Book Center

81:28 - Concluding Thoughts