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0:00 - Introduction 0:17 - Martha Describes Her Family's Varied Backgrounds

Keywords: adolescence; America; Austria; Austrian Jewry; Austrian Jews; childhood; Galicia; Galician Jewry; Galician Jews; German Jewry; German Jews; Germany; immigration; infant mortality; migration; New York; New York City; Newburgh; Stri; Stria; Stry; Stryi; Stryj; Stryje; Stryy; teenage years; Ukraine; Ukrainian Jewry; Ukrainian Jews; United States

6:50 - Martha's Parents' Involvement in the Zionist Movement

Keywords: 1930s; adolescence; aliyah; bi-nationalism; immigration; Israel; Jewish homes; Jewish identity; kibbutz; migration; Palestine; parents; State of Israel; teenage years; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII; Yiddish education; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers; Zionism; Zionist Jews

9:16 - Martha Describes Her Parents' Efforts to Create a Jewish Home

Keywords: America; American education system; Camp Ramah; childhood; Conservative Jews; Conservative Judaism; fir kashes; Four Questions; Hebrew language; Jewish camp; Jewish cooking; Jewish cuisine; Jewish foods; Jewish homes; Jewish ritual; kashres; kashrus; kashrut; kashruth; kosher; New Jersey; New York City; Passover; Pesach; peysekh; public school; summer camp; synagogue; United States

15:31 - Martha's Experiences Going to Hebrew School

Keywords: adolescence; bas mitzvah; bas-mitsve; bat mitzvah; bath mitzvah; childhood; Hebrew school; Jewish education; Jewish Theological Seminary; JTS; New York City; Prozdor High School; teenage years

18:17 - Martha's Memories of Her Hebrew School Principal, Saul Wachs 20:58 - Martha's Experiences at Camp Ramah in the Poconos

Keywords: adolescence; Camp Ramah; Camp Ramah in the Poconos; childhood; City College of New York; college; education; gender roles; Hebrew language; Hebrew literature; Hunter College; Jewish camp; Jewish community; Jewish identity; Jewish Theological Seminary; New York City; parents; Pennsylvania; prayer; representation; schul; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; shul; State of Israel; summer camp; synagogue; Talmud Torah; teenage years; undergraduate education; university

28:28 - Martha's Neighborhood in Bloomfield, New Jersey

Keywords: America; anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Bloomfield; childhood; country club; dog; games; Jewish-non-Jewish relations; New Jersey; pet; Reform Jews; Reform Judaism; socioeconomic status; United States

34:27 - Martha's Professional Pursuits and Social Engagement Today

Keywords: 1980s; academic; Amandla; chorus; Congregation B'nai Israel; gender studies; Greenfield; havurah; Havurat Ha-Emek; Jewish community; Massachusetts; Northampton; political science; prayer; professor; schul; shul; singer; Smith College; synagogue; women's studies

36:57 - The Values Given to Martha by Her Parents

Keywords: 1960s; 1967 Arab-Israeli War; 1970s; activism; America; Baltimore; Breira; childhood; conservativism; economic justice; education; Israeli politics; Jewish values; June War; leftism; New Israel Fund; occupation; Orthodox Judaism; Palestine; Palestinians; parents; picketing; Six-Day War; social justice; State of Israel; strikes; Third Arab-Israeli War; United States; values; Zionism; Zionist Jews

40:13 - Prayer, Study, Politics: The Rise of the Havurah (Fellowship) Movement in America

Keywords: 1960s; 1970s; 1980s; America; anti-war activism; Boston; Case Western Reserve University; Conservative Jews; Conservative Judaism; countercultural movement; counterculture; davening; Ezrat Nashim; Fabrangen; Gershon Hundert; graduate education; havurah movement; Havurat Shalom; Jewish history; Jewish prayer; Jewish study; leftism; New York City; New York Havurah; Ohio; politics; refugees; representation; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; spirituality; United States; Vietnam War; Washington D.C.; Washington DC; Washington, D.C.; Washington, DC; women in Judaism

46:12 - The Difficulty and Necessity in Creating Collectively-Run Communities

Keywords: 1960s; America; American Jewry; American Jews; countercultural movement; counterculture; extra-institutional communities; havurah (fellowship) movement; Jewish community; Jewish identity; Jewish prayer; leftism; minyanim; mutual aid; politics; progressivism; self-help; United States

49:57 - "Once Your Eyes Are Open": Martha's Part in Bringing Feminism to Jewish Spaces

Keywords: 1960s; activism; adolescence; Ben-Zion Gold; childhood; consciousness-raising; Ezrat Nashim; feminism; gender roles; gender studies; Harvard University; Hebrew education; Hillel; internalized sexism; Jewish communities; Jewish education; Jewish feminism; Jewish identity; Judaism; misogyny; New York Havurah; Paula Hyman; Rosh Hashanah; secular feminism; sexism; teenage years; women in Judaism; women's studies

57:15 - Fighting for Women's Equality at the Rabbinical Assembly's Annual Conference

Keywords: 1970s; activism; Conservative Jews; Conservative Judaism; equal access; equity; Harold Louis Ginsberg; inclusion; Rabbinical Assembly; Rachel Adler; Trude Weiss-Rosmarin; women's education

64:03 - Martha Describes the Purpose behind and the Founding of B'not Esh

Keywords: 1980s; activism; Arnie Eisen; B'not Esh; Chava Weissler; collective; Conference on Alernatives in Jewish Education; havurah movement; Jewish community; Jewish feminism; Jewish feminist theology; Jewish ritual; Jewish women's history; Judaism; Judith Plaskow; New York Havurah; representation of women; Sue Elwell; tkhines; women in Judaism; women's spirituality

69:07 - Martha Reflects on the Impact of Her Generation's Feminism on Youth Now

Keywords: abortion; activism; America; contraception; egalitarianism; feminism; feminist movement; havurah movement; intergenerational differences; intergenerational transmission; Jewish community; mechitza; mekhitse; Orthodox Jews; Orthodox Judaism; representation of women; reproductive justice; United States; women in Judaism; women's studies

74:15 - "The Second Jerusalem": Helping to Build Jewish Community in Córdoba, Spain

Keywords: academic; Alhambra Decree; anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Ashkenazi Jews; Ashkenazi prayer; Ashkenazim; Barcelona; Casa de Sefarad; Chanukah; Córdoba; cultural preservation; davening; Edict of Expulsion; Expulsion of Jews from Spain; Haim Casas; Hanukah; Hanukkah; havurah; havurah movement; Jewish community; Jewish prayer; Judith Plaskow; khanike; Ladino culture; Ladino language; Madrid; megile; Megillah; Moroccan Jewry; Moroccan Jews; Moroccan prayer; Passover; Pesach; peysekh; PRESHCO; Programa de Estudios Hispánicos Cordoba; Purim; Rosh Hashanah; rosheshone; seder; Sephardi Jews; Sephardim; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; Simchas Torah; Simchat Torah; Simhat Torah; simkhes toyre; Spain; Spanish Inquisition; Spanish language; suke; sukes; sukka; Sukkos; Sukkot; Turkey; University of Córdoba; Yom Kippur

80:58 - The Significance of Supporting the Jewish Community of Córdoba

Keywords: Alhambra Decree; anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Casa de Sefarad; Córdoba; cultural preservation; Edict of Expulsion; English language; Expulsion of Jews from Spain; havurah; havurah movement; Istanbul; Izmir; Judith Plaskow; Karen Sarhone; Ladino culture; Ladino language; megile; Megillah; multilingualism; Purim; Shema; Spain; Spanish Inquisition; Spanish language; Turkey

87:19 - Martha Discusses and Sings Some of the Tunes She Learned in Spain

Keywords: "Shalom Alechem"; "Shalom Aleichem"; "Sholom Alechem"; "Sholom Aleichem"; Ashkenazi music; havurah; Jewish culture; Jewish history; Jewish music; Jewish songs; prayer; Sephardi music; tunes

91:38 - The Influence of Language on Martha's Jewish Identity

Keywords: anarchism; Hebrew language; Jewish culture; Jewish history; Jewish identity; Spain; Spanish history; Spanish language

94:10 - "Go for it": Martha's Advice for Future Generations