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0:00 - Introduction 0:37 - Robert Describes His Family Background

Keywords: 1900s; 1910s; army; cantor; family background; family history; grandfather; Hammond, Indiana; heritage; rabbi; Riga, Latvia; roots

2:57 - Robert's Father's Occupation in the Film Industry in the 1930s

Keywords: 1930s; Chicago, Illinois; childhood; family; film; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; Great Depression; motion picture; movie business; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers

4:04 - Robert Describes the Members of His Family

Keywords: children; family; father; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; Judaism; kashres; kashrus; kashrut; kashruth; kosher; mother; New York City; parents; Passover; Pesach; peysekh; religion; religious observance; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers

8:47 - Robert's Connection to Judaism and His Volunteer Work

Keywords: 1950s; Alekh Shindler; Conservative congregation; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; Jewish organizations; Jewish practice; Jewish services; Judaism; Prague, Czech Republic; Reform congregation; Reform movement; religious observance; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; summer camps; travel; volunteering

16:10 - Robert Recounts Leaving His University and Starting a Business

Keywords: adolescence; brothers; college; decorating business; education; family; father; film houses; Florida; jobs; meat cutter; movie houses; movie theaters; movie theatres; New York; Northwestern University; salesman; school; son; teenage years

21:08 - Robert Recalls How He Met His Wife

Keywords: Boston, Massachusetts; courtship; dating; marriage; New York; Purim shpil; Purim-shpil; relationships; spouse; wife

26:18 - Robert's Art Career and His Wife's Dancing Career

Keywords: 1970s; art; Art Institute of Chicago; art shows; artists; ballerina; ballet; dancer; misogyny; painting; sculptor; sculpture; sexism; spouse; taxes; the Netherlands; wife

31:15 - The Influences on Robert's Art 37:55 - Robert's Friendship with Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp 41:14 - Robert's Separate Relationships to Judaism and to Art

Keywords: art; Holocaust; Jewish artist; Jewish identity; Judaism; religion; religious observance; sculpting; sculptor; teacher

46:55 - Robert Describes His Engagement with Judaism and Jewish Texts 50:05 - Robert Describes the Healthcare System in the Netherlands 54:35 - Robert's Involvement in New Hampshire Politics 59:20 - Robert Recalls Forming a Reconstructionist Congregation in Prague

Keywords: 1990s; Fulbright fellowship; Massapequa, New York; Prague, Czech Republic; Reconstructionist congregation; Rosh Hashanah; rosheshone; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; shofar; wife

66:48 - Connecting to Judaism in Prague

Keywords: High Holy Days; mogen Dovid; Old Spanish synagogue; Prague, Czech Republic; Rosh Hashanah; rosheshone; Star of David; Yom Kippur

69:35 - Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp's Experience During the Holocaust 72:11 - Robert's Connection with Reform Judaism

Keywords: Conservative synagogue; Jewish community; Judaism; Kaddish; Kol Nidre; Orthodox services; Reform Judaism; wife

76:05 - Robert's Thoughts on the State of American Culture and Politics 80:25 - Robert Talks About His Congregation 82:31 - Robert's Advice for Future Generations