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0:00 - Introduction 0:41 - Paul's Family Background

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; bobe; bubbie; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; mother; New York; Russia; shtetel; shtetl; small town; Vil'na; Vilna; Vilna Gubernia; Vilnius, Lithuania; wife; Wilno

4:02 - Paul Describes His Childhood

Keywords: architecture; bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; bobe; bubbie; California; Chanukah; chanukiah; congregation; father; frum; G.I. Bill; grandmother; grandparents; Haganah; Hanukkah; hanukkiah; immigrants; immigration; Israel; Italian Americans; Jewish Americans; khanike; Mandatory Palestine; menorah; mother; New York City; Nuremberg, Germany; parents; Paris, France; pious; San Francisco Bay Area; schul; Seabees; shul; step-grandfather; step-mother; synagogue; tefillin, tephillin, tfillin; temple; tfiln; The Bronx, New York; uncles; United States Naval Construction Battalions; zaidie; zayde; zaydie; zeyde; zeydie

9:38 - Jewish Observance in Paul's Childhood

Keywords: congregation; Five Books of Moses; food; grandmother; high school; Jewish holidays; mother; Orthodox Judaism; Pentateuch; schul; shul; superstitions; synagogue; temple; Torah; toyre; wife; Yiddish language; Yom Kippur; yom tovim; yomim tobim; yomim tovim; yontef; yontev; yontoyvim

14:59 - Paul Talks More about His Childhood

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; chedar; cheder; frum; Hebrew school; heder; immigrants; immigration; Irish Americans; Italian Americans; Jewish Americans; Jewish stereotypes; kheyder; kheyder-bokher; New York City; pious; religious school student; school; slurs; teachers; traditional religious school

19:05 - Jewish Values Instilled in Paul by His Parents and Grandparents

Keywords: children; converts; daughters; East Lansing, Michigan; English language; father; frum; graduate school; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; house painters; house painting; Jewish values; Michigan State University; MSU; Oakland, California; parents; pious; superstitions; tsdoke; tsedakah; tzedakah; wife; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt; zedakah

26:48 - Paul Talks about His Time in the Catskills and New York City

Keywords: "Dray doyres (Three generations)"; acting; actors; busboys; Catskill Mountains, New York; Catskill Resorts; Catskills; comedians; Jewish theater; Jewish theatre; Muni Weisenfreund; New York City, New York; Paul Muni; Pearl White; radio stations; soap operas; stand-up comedy; WEVD; Windsor Theater; Yiddish language; Yiddish radio; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

31:01 - The Political Leanings of Paul's Childhood Neighborhood

Keywords: Arbeter Ring; Bundism; Bundists; communism; communist; Der Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeter Bund in Lite, Poyln, un Rusland; socialism; socialists; Workers Circle; Workmen’s Circle; Zionism; Zionists

31:50 - A Snapshot of Paul's Adult Life

Keywords: bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; bas mitzvah; bas-mitsve; bat mitzvah; bath mitzvah; CCNY; chedar; cheder; children; City College of New York; congregation; converts; cousins; daughters; death row; divorce; doctorate; East Lansing, Michigan; forensic psychologists; forensic psychology; frum; goish; goyish; goyishe; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; great-uncles; Hebrew school; heder; High Holidays; high school; Israel; Jewish holidays; Jewish summer camps; kashres; kashrus; kashrut; kashruth; kheyder; kosher; M.S.; Manhattan, New York; master's degree; Michigan State University; MS; MSU; New York City; Ph.D.; PhD; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; rabbis; Rosh Hashanah; rosheshone; San Quentin State Prison; San Quentin, California; schul; shul; sons; stepsons; synagogue; temple; traditional religious school; wife; wives; Yiddish language; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt; Yom Kippur; yom tovim; yomim tobim; yomim tovim; yontef; yontev; yontoyvim

40:40 - What Yiddishkayt Means to Paul

Keywords: Aaron Lansky; Amherst, Massachusetts; bobe; bubbie; children; congregation; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; I.D.F.; IDF; Israel; Israel Defense Forces; Israeli Army; Jewish identity; San Francisco, California; schul; shul; synagogue; temple; Vil'na; Vilna; Vilnius, Lithuania; wife; Wilno; wives; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish language; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt

44:43 - Paul's Connections to Yiddish Today

Keywords: Aaron Lansky; Amherst, Massachusetts; Di yidishe grupe (The Jewish group); English language; J.C.C.; JCC; Jewish community; Jewish Community Center; San Diego, California; Spanish language; wife; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish language

49:11 - Paul Discusses His Children's Jewish Identity in Comparison to His Own

Keywords: "Hatikvah (The hope)"; Amherst, Massachusetts; Chasidic; Chasidism; Chassidic; Chassidism; children; daughters; Hasidic; Hasidism; Hassidic; Hassidism; Hebrew language; Holocaust; Israel; Jewish observance; Judaism; national anthems; Shoah; stepson; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish identity; Yiddish language; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt

53:19 - The Impact of the Holocaust on Paul's Jewish Identity

Keywords: "Star-Spangled Banner"; father; grandmother; Holocaust; Israel; Jewish identity; Jews; mother; national anthems; parents; Shoah; U.S.A.; United States of America; USA; Vil'na; Vilna; Vilnius, Lithuania; Wilno; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII; Yiddish language

56:24 - Paul's Thoughts on the Role of the Yiddish Book Center

Keywords: Amherst, Massachusetts; Chabad; Di yidishe grupe (The Jewish group); Khabad; Lubavitchers; San Diego, California; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish books; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish literature

59:00 - Concluding Thoughts

Keywords: Amherst, Massachusetts; assimilation; Jewish values; Jews; Wexler Oral History Project; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish language
