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0:00 - Introduction 0:17 - Joel's Family's Origins in Eastern Europe and Their Lives as Yiddish-Speaking Immigrants in America

Keywords: Eastern European Jewry; family history; immigration stories; language transmission; Polish Jews; Soviet Jews; Soviet Union; USSR; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers

3:07 - Joel's Pursuit of Knowledge About Jewishness in a Family of Holocaust Survivors

Keywords: 1990s; adolescence; childhood; family; generational knowledge; Hebrew language; Hebrew school; Hebrew school education; Holocaust survivors; Jewish education; Jewish upbringing; New York

6:04 - Growing Up in Westchester County, New York With a Strong Sense of Jewish Identity

Keywords: American Jewry; American Jews; childhood; French language; Jewish history; Jewish identity; Jewish literature; Jewish military families; Jewish studies; multilingual; multilingualism; New York; religious Jews; Westchester County

10:46 - Exploring Jewish Studies in High School at Temple Israel in White Plains, New York

Keywords: adolescence; Hebrew language; high school education; Jewish American education; Jewish education; Jewish history; Jewish studies; New York; religious education; religious studies; synagogue education systems; Temple Israel; White Plains

13:18 - Joel's Undergraduate Studies in Drama and Theater

Keywords: American Jews; drama studies; English literature; fiction studies; Jewish academics; Jewish students; Jews in academia; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; theater studies; undergraduate studies; university education; University of Pennsylvania; UPenn

20:27 - Joel's Search for a Professional Passion During Graduate Studies

Keywords: academia; American education; American Jews; City University of New York; CUNY; drama studies; graduate education; Jews in academia; theater studies; university education

23:24 - "Bitten By the Bug": The Beginning of Joel's Studies in Yiddish Language

Keywords: Arbeter Ring; cultural reconnection; graduate studies; language studies; Oxford Yiddish Summer Program; reconnecting to ancestry; research in Yiddish; university education; Workmen's Circle; Yiddish dissertation; Yiddish in academia; Yiddish language; YIVO

28:35 - Translating I.L. Peretz at Hebrew University During Joel's Post-Doctoral Studies

Keywords: 1990s; archival research; Hebrew University; I.L. Peretz; Israel; post-doctoral studies; Yiddish communities; Yiddish in Israel; Yiddish in translation; Yitzkhok Leybush Peretz

32:35 - Yiddish as a Tribute to Joel's Ancestors and "The Language of the Martyrs"

Keywords: Holocaust; Holocaust commemoration; Holocaust mourning; mame-loshn; martyrdom and the Holocaust; mother tongue; Shoah; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers; Yiddish-speaking families

36:24 - Researching Yiddish Language and Theater

Keywords: academia; American theater; American theatre; American Yiddish theater; American Yiddish theatre; Jewish academics; plurality within academia; Shakespeare; theater studies; translation into Yiddish; Yiddish American theater; Yiddish American theatre; Yiddish in academia; Yiddish in translation; Yiddish language; Yiddish research; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

41:26 - Joel's Dissertation Process and Entering the Search for a Job

Keywords: dissertation research; graduate studies; Jewish professors; Jewish studies; Jews in academia; Oxford University; pedagogy; theater; theatre; Yiddish in academia; Yiddish studies; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

44:38 - Entering Jewish and Yiddish Studies as a Scholar of Theater and Drama

Keywords: drama studies; Jewish history; Jewish professors; Jewish studies; Jews in academia; pedagogy; theater studies; Yiddish as a teaching tool; Yiddish in translation; Yiddish studies; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Yiddish within academia

49:33 - Joel Discusses the Challenges of Translating Dramatic Yiddish Works

Keywords: Jewish professors; Jewish scholarship; Jewish studies; Jews in academia; Kadia Molodowsky; Kadya Molodowsky; Kadye Molodowsky; multilingual; multilingualism; scholarship and artistic conflict; theater studies; theatre studies; translation methods; translation studies; Yiddish as a teaching tool; Yiddish drama; Yiddish in translation; Yiddish scholarship; Yiddish studies; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theater scholarship; Yiddish theatre; Yiddish theatre scholarship; Yiddish translation

54:45 - Transmission of Culture as a Multinational, Multilingual, Multidisciplinary Endeavor

Keywords: academi collaboration; academia; accessibility in academia; accessible knowledge; collaboration in scholarship; collaboration in theater; collaboration in theatre; cultural transmission; drama studies; Jews in academia; multilingual; multilingualism; multilingualism in Jewish communities; Polish Jews; Russian Jews; theater studies; theatre studies; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

60:40 - The Increase of Interest in Yiddish Theater in Translation

Keywords: 1990s; academia; Jewish theater; Jewish theatre; multilingualism; post-vernacular Yiddish; post-vernacularity; postvernacular Yidish; postvernacularity; Yiddish drama; Yiddish in academia; Yiddish language; Yiddish plays; Yiddish scholarship; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

65:58 - Yiddish Postvernacularity Within a Greater Cultural Perseverance in Jewish History

Keywords: Chasidic communities; Chassidic communities; Hasidic communities; Hassidic communities; post-vernacular Yiddish; post-vernacularity; postvernacular Yiddish; postvernacularity; the future of Yiddish; Yiddish communities; Yiddish in academia; Yiddish theater

69:33 - Yiddish as a Tool for Research and Inquiry

Keywords: advice; Hebrew language; intercultural studies; Jewish culture; linguistic studies; multilingualism; Yiddish culture; Yiddish education; Yiddish in academia; Yiddish language; Yiddish scholarship; Yiddish studies; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Yiddish-Hebrew intercultural studies
