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0:17 - Introduction 0:40 - Bertram's Family's Background and Their Immigration to Shanghai 2:23 - Growing Up Jewish in Shanghai

Keywords: adolescence; British occupation; British school; Chiang Kai-Shek; childhood; classmates; racism; school; Shanghai, China; teenage years

5:32 - Bertram Recalls Moving to the Philippines

Keywords: 1930s; 1940s; bombing; bombs; Hong Kong; immigration; Japanese military; Kobe, Japan; Manila, Philippines; migration; mother; Shanghai, China; ship; storm; violence

11:14 - Living in Baguio with an American Family

Keywords: Baguio, Philippines; Chile; La Salle Academy; Manila, Philippines; Maryknoll Convent School; mother; son; tonsillitis; tuberculosis

15:41 - The Process of Immigration to the United States

Keywords: 1940s; America; Australia; Baguio, Philippines; German Jews; immigration; Louisiana; migration; quotas; U.S. army; United States; US; USA

19:41 - Bertram's Experiences in an Internment Camp in Baguio

Keywords: 1940s; American; Baguio, Philippines; enemy aliens; Filipino government; food; Japanese government; Japanese military; José P. Laurel; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

23:45 - Bertram's Interest in the Philosophical Concept of Collaborationism

Keywords: betrayal; collaborationism; collaborationist; German army; German government; guilt; Japan; Japanese government; José P. Laurel; Nazi flag; Nazis; Philippines; philosophy; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

25:57 - Bertram's Experiences as a Jewish Boy in a Christian Convent

Keywords: Christian convent; Christianity; exclusion; guerrilla fighter; Hail Mary; Jewish identity; mother; prayer; priest; step-father

29:10 - Bertram Describes Stopping in Shanghai on His Way to the U.S.

Keywords: 1940s; Battle of Manila; boat; Chinese language; dishwashing; Douglas MacArthur; father; General MacArthur; grandfather; grandmother; hospital; immigration; migration; philosophy; Shanghai, China; ship; son; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

35:50 - Moving to the United States with the Help of His Mother 37:31 - Bertram's early experiences in the United States

Keywords: American high school; Catholic school; English language; Golden Gate Bridge; Hebron Aacademy; immigration; Maine; migration; prep school; preparatory school; San Francisco, California

40:37 - Bertram Recalls Meeting, Dating, and Marrying His Wife Elsie

Keywords: Columbia University; courtship; husband; international house; love; marriage; McCarthy; McCarthyism; relationships; spouse; wife

42:11 - Bertram Remembers Meeting Eleanor Roosevelt 42:51 - Bertram's Involvement in Jewish Organizations

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Auschwitz; concentration camps; donations; global Jewry; Holocaust; Jewish causes; Jewish identity; Jewish organizations; Jewish Recreation Club; Manila, Philippines; Shanghai, China; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

46:13 - Studying Philosophy at Columbia University

Keywords: academia; Bertrand Russell; British philosophy; Columbia University; dissertation; doctorate; education; educational philosophy; John Dewey; PhD; philosophy; Smith College philosophy club; Western philosophy

50:36 - Teaching at Long Island University in Brooklyn 53:38 - Bertram's Projects Since Retiring in 2003 56:06 - Bertram's Discusses His Current Work in Philosophy

Keywords: atomic bomb; cancer; climate change; daughter; father; global warming; history; Japan; love; philosophy; relationships; subjunctive conditionals

60:12 - Bertram and His Wife's Involvement in Politics

Keywords: America; political activism; politics; senators; spouse; U.S.; United States politics; US; USA; White House; wife

61:02 - Bertram's Efforts to Create a Jewish Household

Keywords: Catholic identity; children; Christmas tree; daughter; father; fatherhood; grandson; Jewish household; Jewish identity; Jewish upbringing; Judaism; mother; parenthood; parenting

64:03 - Bertram's Visit to Israel in the 1980s

Keywords: 1980s; historian; history; Israel; kibbutz; Palestine; Palestinians; Shanghai, China; travel; two-state solution

67:05 - More Memories of Living in China and the Philippines

Keywords: British government; British occupation; Chiang Kai-shek; Mao Zedong; Philippines; racism; ricksha coolies; rickshaw coolies; Shanghai, China

70:41 - Bertram Discusses Growing Up with German and Yiddish

Keywords: adolescence; Baguio, Philippines; bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; childhood; English language; German language; Hebrew language; Jewish identity; Jewishness; Manila, Philippines; teenage years; Yiddish language; Yiddish learning
