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0:00 - Introduction 0:36 - Anna's Family Background and Stories About Her Uncle

Keywords: family background; family history; father; grandmother; grandparents; heritage; Holocaust; Klepfisz family; mother; Panama; Paris, France; rabbi; roots; uncle; Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; Warsaw, Poland

7:18 - Anna Describes Her Mother's Life and Accomplishments

Keywords: education; languages; medicine; mother; multilingualism; polylingualism; uncle; Yiddish language; YIVO Institute of Jewish Research

9:30 - Anna's Childhood as a Native Yiddish Speaker in the United States

Keywords: America; childhood; childhood home; English language; father; immigrants; immigration; mother; parents; Poland; U.S.; United States; US; Yiddish language

11:06 - Anna Describes Celebrating Jewish Holidays in Her Home

Keywords: childhood; family; High Holidays; Holocaust; Jewish holidays; Jewish home; Judaism; kashres; kashrus; kashrut; kashruth; kosher home; mother; Passover; Pesach; peysekh; Rosh Hashanah; rosheshone; seder; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes

14:36 - Anna Recalls the Jewish Foods She Ate in Her Childhood Home 17:26 - Anna's Family's Activities During Her Childhood

Keywords: "Forverts"; "The Forward"; "The Jewish Daily Forward"; "The Yiddish Daily Forward"; brother; childhood; family; Hadassah; honorary doctorate degree; Miami Beach, Florida; mother; politics; socialism; Workmen's Circle; Yiddish newspapers; yidishe shule (secular Yiddish school); YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

22:13 - Anna's Childhood Neighborhood and Synagogue in Miami Beach

Keywords: adolescence; childhood neighborhood; Conservative Judaism; Cuban refugees; father; heart attack; high school; Jewish community; Jewish neighborhood; Miami Beach High School; public transportation; rabbi; shul; synagogue; teenage years; Temple Emanu-El

27:47 - Anna's Relationship with Her Jewish Peers in Miami Beach

Keywords: friendships; Jewish identity; Jewishness; peers; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt

30:55 - Anna Discusses Her Jewish and Non-Jewish Education

Keywords: bas-mitsve; bat mitzvah; bilingual; Der Arbeter Ring; English language; Hebrew language; mother; multilingualism; Workmen's Circle; Yiddish language; Yiddish newspapers; yidishe shule (secular Yiddish school)

34:40 - Anna Recalls Attending Camp Boiberik and Her Involvement in Youth Groups

Keywords: adolescence; Camp Boiberik; childhood; Habonim; Israel; Jewish identity; Jewish summer camp; mother; New York; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; teenage years; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Young Judea; youth groups

36:54 - The Values that Anna's Parents Passed On to Her

Keywords: Holocaust; Jewish community; Jewish identity; Jewish neighborhood; mother; Mount Sinai Hospital; parents; State of Israel; values; Yiddish language

41:36 - Jewish Culture and Yiddish Music in Anna's Childhood

Keywords: Israel; Jewish culture; Jewish music; piano; singing; theater; theatre; Yad Vashem; Yiddish culture; Yiddish songs

46:40 - Anna Speaks About Her Jewish Values and Responsibilities 51:31 - Anna's Experiences Standing Up to Anti-Semitism 55:54 - Anna Discusses How Yiddish Factors In to Her Jewish Identity

Keywords: Holocaust education; Jewish book festivals; Jewish culture; Jewish literature; Jewish museums; Judaism; synagogues; traveling; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language

58:46 - Connecting with Other Jewish People While Traveling 63:03 - Anna Reflects on the Strong and Active Women in Her Family 66:14 - The Jewish Values Anna Modeled for Her Children and Grandchildren

Keywords: bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; bas-mitsve; bat mitzvah; Chanukah; charity; Hanukkah gelt; Jewish holidays; Jewish home; khanike; Yiddish language

72:15 - Anna's Thoughts on the Future and Preservation of Yiddish 76:09 - Anna's Jewish Travel Experiences

Keywords: Auschwitz; Canada; daughter; family; family background; family history; heritage; Holocaust; Jewish history; March of the Living; mother; roots; Toronto; travel; Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; Yiddish language

83:42 - Anna's Thoughts and Questions about Learning Yiddish Today

Keywords: National Yiddish Book Center; non-Jews learning Yiddish; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish learning; Yiddish resources

88:52 - Anna Shows Family Photos and Shares Some Family History

Keywords: aunt; family background; family history; family photos; father; grandfather; grandmother; heritage; Holocaust; mother; parents; roots; uncle; wedding

92:29 - The Story of Anna's Birth Certificate and More Family History