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0:00 - Introduction 0:37 - Elissa's Ashkenazi Jewish Family Background

Keywords: 1900s; America; Ashkenazi Jews; Eastern Europe; family background; family history; grandfather; grandparents; heritage; immigrants; immigration; Jacksonville, Florida; Jewish community; Jewish family; Judaism; Lower East Side; Miami, Florida; New York; Poland; Romania; roots; Russia; tenements; U.S.; United States; US; USA; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers

3:27 - Elissa Describes Her Jewish Community in Jacksonville, Florida 5:12 - Elissa Describes the Religious Observance of Herself and Her Family

Keywords: challah; college; Conservative Judaism; father; High Holidays; High Holy Days; Hillel; Jewish rituals; Jewish traditions; kashres; kashrus; kashrut; kashruth; khale; kosher kitchen; mother; parents; religious observance; religious services; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes

6:50 - Elissa's Plans for Her Own Future Jewish Home

Keywords: Conservative Judaism; future; Jewish holidays; Jewish religious services; Jewish traditions; Judaica; Judaism; Orthodox Judaism; religious observance; sermons; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; Torah study

8:57 - Elissa Discusses Her Connection to Judaism as a Whole 10:24 - Elissa's Jewish Education and General Education

Keywords: adolescence; childhood; Christians; elementary school; Hebrew language; Hebrew school; high school; Israel; Israel education; Israeli-Palestinian conflict; Jewish culture; Jewish day school; Jewish education; Jewish identity; Jewish-non-Jewish relations; Judaism; middle school; pre-school; preschool; private school; public school; teenage years

16:31 - Elissa Talks about the Israel Education at Her Hebrew School 17:30 - Elissa's Initial Interest in Learning Yiddish and Applying to the Steiner Internship

Keywords: academia; academics; Amherst, Massachusetts; college; family background; grandparents; languages; linguistics; Steiner internship; Steiner Summer Yiddish Program; UMass; undergraduate; university; University of Massachusetts; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish language; Yiddish learning; Yiddish speakers

22:00 - Elissa's Plans to Continue Learning and Speaking Yiddish 24:06 - Elissa's Family's Feelings About Her Studies in Yiddish 25:37 - The Place of Yiddish Within Elissa's Jewish Identity 27:37 - Elissa's Experience with Horseback Riding and Volunteering in Israel

Keywords: college; equestrian team; horseback riding; horses; INTRA (Israel National Therapeutic Riding Association); Israel; Olympics; UMass; volunteering

32:57 - Elissa's Experience at the Steiner Yiddish Summer Program

Keywords: Steiner internship; Steiner Yiddish Summer Program; Yiddish language; Yiddish learning; Yiddish summer programs

35:46 - Elissa's Thoughts on the Public Perception of Yiddish 36:50 - Elissa's Hopes for the Future of Yiddish

Keywords: future of Yiddish; Yiddish books; Yiddish culture; Yiddish future; Yiddish language; Yiddish literature; Yiddish speakers

38:22 - Elissa's Favorite Yiddish Word and Closing Thoughts

Keywords: favorite Yiddish word; Steiner internship; Steiner Yiddish Summer Program; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish language
