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0:17 - Introduction 0:37 - Bente's Family Background in Lithuania, Sweden, and Norway

Keywords: family background; Hasid; Holocaust; Hungary; immigration; khosid; King of Norway; migration; Norwegian Jew; Oslo, Norway; refugee; Sweden; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

1:49 - Bente's Father's Background in Yiddish, and Her Own Relationship to the Language and Jewish History During Childhood 3:26 - The Jewishness of Bente's Childhood Home

Keywords: Bnei Akiva; cheder; Elie Wiesel; Golda Meir; heder; hospitality; Isaac Bashevis Singer; Jewish education; Jewish home; kheyder; Oslo, Norway; shtetl; traditional religious school; Yiddishkayt

6:23 - Attitudes towards Yiddish and Hebrew in Bente's Childhood Home 9:03 - Bente's Early Interest in Acting and Music 10:07 - The Presence of Music in Bente's Childhood Home

Keywords: childhood home; composer; Holocaust; music; niggun; niggunim; nign; nigun; nigunim; singing; song; wordless melodies; wordless melody; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII; Yiddish music

17:32 - Celebrating the Yontoyvim (Holidays) During Bente's Childhood 17:54 - Bente's Relationship to Yiddish Today and Her Various Acting Projects, Both Jewish and Not

Keywords: acting; actor; actress; Bessie Smith; bluesical; Habima Theatre; Iran; Iranian immigrants; musical; National Theater; Oslo, Norway; Tel Aviv, Israel; theater; Yiddish language; Yiddish learning; Yiddish Norwegian Cabaret

22:42 - Bente's Mordechai Gebirtig Project

Keywords: acting; actor; actress; Holocaust; Ilse Weber; Jerusalem, Israel; Mordecai Gebirtig; Mordechai Gebirtig; Mordkhe Gebirtig; play; singing; song; World War 2; World War II; Wroclaw, Poland; WW2; WWII; Yad Vashem

29:43 - Living and Working in Wrocław 30:54 - Bente's Involvement in the White Stork Synagogue Project

Keywords: Breslau, Germany; carl ferdinand langhans; Fritz Langhans; Jewish history; Kristallnacht; memory; transmission; White Stork synagogue; Wroclaw, Poland

38:36 - The Place of Jewish History in Poland Today and the Role of Performing Arts in Cultural Transmission

Keywords: education; European Jewry; heritage; Holocaust; Jewish education; Jewish history; performing artist; performing arts; Poland; roots; transmission; Warsaw Ghetto uprising; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

42:56 - Passing on Identity and the Importance of Being a Mensch to the Next Generation 44:08 - The future of Yiddish in Eastern Europe 46:31 - Bente's Family's Reactions to Her Interest in Yiddish 47:49 - Advocating for Yiddish Culture and the Success of the White Stork Synagogue Project 52:19 - Description of the Jidisz far Ale (Yiddish for All) Project 55:14 - Bente Sings "Reyzele" by Mordechai Gebirtig

Keywords: Jidisz far ale; Mordecai Gebirtig; Mordechai Gebirtig; Mordkhe Gebirtig; Reyzele; singing; song; Yiddish for all; Yiddish song

59:10 - Bente's Advice to Future Generations