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0:17 - Introduction 0:34 - Kamil's Russian Jewish and Polish Catholic Background

Keywords: Catholic; education; family background; higher education; immigration; interfaith; Israel; Jewish; migration; Moscow, Russia; multiculturalism; Odessa, Ukraine; Poland; Polish; refuseniks; Russia; Russian; student; travel

3:12 - The Relationship to Yiddish in Kamil's Family History and His Mother's Family's Strong Russian Identity

Keywords: 1940s; anti-Semitism; antisemitism; assimilation; family stories; Hebrew language; Jewish identity; mathematician; religion; religious background; Russian army; Russian culture; Russian identity; shtetel; shtetl; Soviet Jewish history; Soviet Union; Yiddish language; Yiddish speaker

10:56 - Kamil Discusses the Way His Family's Different Cultural Identities Shaped the Home in Which He Grew Up

Keywords: Catholic; childhood home; conservative; education; Israel; Jewish; Jewish identity; Poland; religion; religious education; Russia; Russian Jewry; Russian Jews

13:34 - The Different Stages of Kamil Discovering, and Eventually Embracing, His Jewish Heritage

Keywords: academia; internalized anti-Semitism; internalized antisemitism; Jewish heritage; Jewish identity; Jewish studies; roots

16:12 - Kamil's Experiences with Jewish Youth Camps

Keywords: AJJDC; American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee; holidays; Jewish culture; Jewish history; Jewish summer camps; Polish Union of Jewish Students; seminars; Shabbat; shabbos; shabes

17:32 - The Development of Kamil's Academic Interest in Jewish studies 19:02 - Kamil's Involvement in Jewish Community Life and His Experience as a Madrich (Counselor) at Camp Szarvas

Keywords: camp counselor; Camp Szarvas; Europe; Jewish history; Jewish identity; Jewish summer camp; Jewish youth camp; madrich

20:58 - Kamil's Family's Reaction to His Social and Academic Involvement in Jewish Life and History

Keywords: academia; concerts; family; Jewish community; Jewish identity; Jewish studies; Limmud; Wroclaw, Poland; Wrocław, Poland

23:11 - Kamil's Apolitical Stance 24:24 - Kamil's Relationships to Hebrew and Yiddish

Keywords: 1990s; 2000s; academia; Hebrew language; Hebrew learning; heritage; Israel; prejudice; roots; Russian language; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish learning

30:23 - Kamil's Academic Research Topics

Keywords: 1800s; 1900s; 19th century; 20th century; academia; doctorate; Eastern European Jewish history; interwar Poland; Jewish history; Lower Silesia; PhD; politics; postdoctorate; research

31:58 - Kamil's Involvement with the Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw

Keywords: interviewing; interviews; Jewish history; Lower Silesia; Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw; Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich; POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews; Polish Jewish history; research; Warsaw, Poland

34:56 - The Mission of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw

Keywords: Christian-Jewish relations; Holocaust; interviewing; interviews; Jewish history; Jewish-Christian relations; Jewish-Polish relations; Lower Silesia; Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw; Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich; POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews; Polish Jewish history; Polish-Jewish relations; research

41:50 - The Perception of Jewish Culture in Poland Today

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Jewish culture; Jewish history; Jewish-Polish relations; Poland; Polish history; Polish society; Polish-Jewish relations

46:01 - The Perception of Poland in Israel Today and the Diminishing Interest in Eastern European History

Keywords: 1950s; 1960s; anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Diaspora; Eastern European history; identity; Israel; Poland; zionism

51:16 - Learning about the Holocaust through Polish Education and Beyond

Keywords: Hanna Krall; Holocaust; Jewish history; literature; Polish education; Polish history; Shielding the Flame: An Intimate Conversation With Dr. Marek Edelman, the Last Surviving Leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

53:21 - The Complex Recent Debates in Poland about the Holocaust

Keywords: debate; discourse; discussion; Holocaust; Jewish history; national narrative; nationalism; occupation; Polish history; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

57:38 - The Crucial Role of Yiddish in Jewish Studies in Poland

Keywords: academia; Jewish history; Jewish studies; Poland; Polish history; research; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language

59:17 - The Role of Academia in the Transmission of Culture

Keywords: academia; Christian students; cultural transmission; education; Hebrew language; heritage; Jewish culture; Jewish history; roots; Yiddish language

61:54 - The Influence of Studying Jewish History on Kamil's Relationship to Polish Spaces

Keywords: Jewish culture; Jewish history; Jewish studies; Kielce pogrom; Kielce, Poland; Polish geography; Polish history

64:51 - Navigating a Diverse, Multicultural Family Background 68:05 - Reasons for Polish Students' Interest in Jewish Studies

Keywords: academia; anti-Semitism; antisemitism; heritage; Jewish history; Jewish identity; Jewish studies; Poland; Polish; Polish history; roots

72:04 - The Difference Between Academic Jewish Studies and the Transmission of Jewish Identity

Keywords: academia; cultural transmission; education; heritage; history; identity transmission; Jewish history; Jewish identity; Jewish studies; March of the Living; roots

74:55 - The Place of Yiddish in Today's Jewish World

Keywords: Hebrew language; Jewish community; Jewish identity; Polish Jews; secular culture; secular Judaism; secularism; Yiddish language

78:21 - Kamil's Advice for Aspiring Jewish Historians in Poland

Keywords: academia; advice; interwar Poland; Jewish historian; Jewish history; multiculturalism; Poland; Polish historian; Polish history

81:29 - Kamil's Favorite Yiddish Word