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0:00 - Introduction 0:35 - Barbara's Family Background and Their Move from Poland to Toronto

Keywords: 1960s; Canada; family background; family history; graduate school; heritage; immigration; interviewing; interviews; migration; Old Country; Poland; research; roots; Toronto Jewish community; Toronto, Ontario

2:55 - The Languages in Barbara's Childhood Home 3:50 - Barbara's Childhood Interactions with Non-Jewish Immigrants in Toronto 6:11 - Growing Up with Yiddish Language and Culture 8:08 - Barbara Describes Her Childhood Neighborhood

Keywords: Canada; childhood home; Jewish community; Jewish holidays; Jewish neighborhood; milkman; shul; synagogue; Toronto, Ontario

11:40 - Barbara's First Trip to Poland, in 1981

Keywords: 1980s; activism; activist; black market; communism; communist Poland; Polish culture; Polish history; Polish Jewish history; research; scholar; travel; YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

15:40 - The Academic Background and Social Connections that Led Barbara to YIVO

Keywords: 1960s; 1970s; American Jewish culture; Beatrice Weinreich; Chana Mlotek; Chone Shmeruk; Dina Abramowicz; Habonim summer camp; Indiana University; Jerome Mintz; Khone Shmeruk; Michael Herzog; New York City, New York; New York University; NYU; Poland; research; Russian folklore; storytellng; University of Pennsylvania; University of Texas at Austin; Uriel Weinreich; Yiddish culture; Yiddish folklore; Yiddish language; YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

23:14 - The Importance of Yiddish Folklore at YIVO

Keywords: anthropology; Defining the Yiddish Nation: The Jewish Folklorists of Poland; Eastern European Jewish culture; folklore; folklorist; Itzik Gottesman; Jewish folklore; material culture; regional dialects; spiritual culture; spoken language; Yiddish culture; Yiddish folklore; YIVO Center for Jewish Research

27:36 - Meeting the Weinreich Family, Chana and Yosl Mlotek, and Wolf Yunin

Keywords: Beatrice Weinreich; Chana Mlotek; Max Weinreich; Regina Weinreich; Wolf Yunin; Yiddish community; Yiddish language; Yosl Mlotek

30:35 - Speaking Yiddish at Events and in Everyday Life

Keywords: keynote address; lecture; Paris, France; POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews; Sam Kassow; Yiddish language; Yiddish speaker; Yiddish studies; YIVO Center for Jewish Research

36:19 - Barbara's Involvement with the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews

Keywords: 2000s; curation; history; museum exhibition; POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews; Polish history; Polish Jewish history

39:36 - Barbara's Interviews with the Jewish Community in Toronto

Keywords: Canada; family background; Holocaust; Holocaust survivors; Jewish community; Poland; Polish history; Polish Jewish history; post-war Poland; pre-war Poland; Toronto, Ontario; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

42:33 - Barbara's work at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews

Keywords: exhibit; Jews in Poland; POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews; Polish history; Polish Jewish history; program director

46:53 - Examine Jewish Life in Poland Outside the Frame of the Holocaust

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; genocide; Holocaust; Jewish life in Poland; Lublin, Poland; POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews; Polish Golden Age; Polish history; Polish Jewish history; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

55:16 - Barbara's Experience Working with Polish, Israeli, and American Scholars

Keywords: American scholars; Israeli scholars; POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews; Polish Archives; Polish history; Polish Jewish history; Polish scholars; research; scholars

58:51 - POLIN Museum's Role in Bridging Gaps and Challenging Prejudices

Keywords: American Jewry; anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Canada; Eli Rubenstein; Germany army; Holocaust; intermarriage; Jewish Polish relations; March of the Living; Poland; POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews; Polish history; Polish Jewish history; Polish Jewish relations; prejudice; Toronto, Ontario; United States; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

69:35 - Barbara's Argument for the Use of Yiddish Within the POLIN Museum

Keywords: education; exhibitions; Hebrew language; linguistic diversity; multilingualism; POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews; Polish history; Polish Jewish history; Polish Jewry; primary sources; sociolinguistics; Yiddish language

77:05 - The Process of Attaining Polish Citizenship 81:15 - Barbara's Family's Reactions to the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews 84:00 - Barbara's Father's Involvement Later in Life with His Hometown of Opatow, Poland

Keywords: 1990s; commemoration; Cracow; exhibition; Krako; Krakow, Poland; memorial; Opatov, Poland; Opatow, Poland; painter; painting; Polish history; Polish Jewish history; Treblinka

93:51 - Barbara on the Value of Examining History from Many Different Perspectives 96:59 - The Value of Living in Poland for Understanding Polish Jewish History

Keywords: anti-Semitism; history; Poland; POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews; Polish history; Polish Jewish history; Polish Jewry; research; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

100:50 - The Role of POLIN Museum in Helping Poles Discover their Jewish Backgrounds 106:50 - Barbara's Plan to Return to the United States to Write and Do Consulting 108:26 - Barbara's Advice to Visitors of Both the POLIN Museum and Warsaw

Keywords: history; POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews; Varshah; Varshava; visitors; Warsaw Ghetto monument; Warsaw, Poland; Warszawa
