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0:00 - Introduction 0:45 - Selma Discusses Her Family Background

Keywords: ancestry; family background; family history; father; grandparents; heritage; Lodz; Lodzsh; Mlavah; Mlave; Mlawa; mother; Mława, Poland; parents; roots; Łódź, Poland

4:48 - Living in New York and Attending a Sholem Aleichem Folkshul (Secular Yiddish School)

Keywords: America; Brooklyn, New York; brothers; childhood; family; father; grandparents; Harlem; immigrants; immigration; Manhattan; mother; New York City; Orthodox Jews; Orthodox Judaism; parents; Sholem Aleichem Folkshul; shule (secular Yiddish school); siblings; U.S.; United States; US; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers

9:52 - Selma Describes Her Childhood Home in New York City

Keywords: 1930s; brothers; childhood; childhood home; education; family; father; Great Depression; high school; Manhattan; mother; New York City; Orthodox Judaism; Reform Judaism; schul; shul; siblings; synagogue; tenements; the Bronx; typist; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language

16:00 - Selma Recalls Observing Shabbos and Her Bat Mitzvah

Keywords: bas-mitsve; bat mitzvah; bath mitzvah; Judaism; Orthodox Jews; religion; religious observance; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; Victrola; Yosele Rosenblatt; Yossele Rosenblatt

19:11 - Selma's Encounters with the Yiddish Theater in New York

Keywords: "Der Dibuk"; "Fiddler on the Roof"; "Fidler afn dakh"; "The Dybbuk"; Aaron Lebedeff; Bess Thomashefsky; Boris Thomashefsky; Jennie Goldstein; Jewish culture; Maurice Schwartz; Menasha Skulnik; Molly Picon; music; radio; Victrola; Yiddish culture; Yiddish songs; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Yosele Rosenblatt; Yossele Rosenblatt

25:01 - Selma Reminisces on Her Time in Ha-Shomer Ha-Tsa'ir

Keywords: adolescence; childhood; ha-Shomer ha-Tsa'ir; Ha-Shomer ha-Tsa'ir; Hashomer Hatsair; Hashomer Hatzair; Israel; Palestine; teenage years; The Young Guard; youth groups; youth movements; Zionism

27:17 - Selma's Relationship to Her Grandparents in Her Childhood 30:04 - Selma Discusses Meeting Her Husband and Raising Her Daughters

Keywords: Cejwin camp; child rearing; children; courtship; daughters; Hebrew language; husband; Jewish camp; love; marriage; parenthood; parenting; spouse; summer camp; wife; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language

40:51 - Selma Describes Teaching Yiddish to Her Peers and Learning Hebrew

Keywords: assisted living; Conservative synagogue; husband; Reform synagogue; teaching Yiddish; Yiddish group; Yiddish language

46:54 - Selma's Perspective on the Resurgence of Yiddish Culture

Keywords: children; daughters; husband; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish revival; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt

48:28 - Selma Recalls Her Reaction to the Founding of Israel 50:30 - Selma Describes the Jewish Community She Had in Florida

Keywords: Boca Raton, Florida; children; Connecticut; Conservative temple; Jewish culture; Jewish life; Judaism; Orthodox temple; synagogues; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish songs; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt

54:48 - Selma Discusses Her Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren

Keywords: aunt; grandchildren; granddaughters; grandmother; great-grandchildren; Holocaust; intergenerational transmission of culture; intermarriage; Judaism; Poland

59:15 - Selma's Closing Thoughts on Yiddish and Advice to Future Generations

Keywords: advice; converts to Judaism; cultural transmission; future generations; intergenerational transmission of culture; Jewish converts; son-in-law; Yiddish language
