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0:18 - Introduction 0:40 - David's Family's Immigration to the United States

Keywords: 1920s; America; brothers; cemetery; Chicago, Illinois; childhood; childhood home; English language; family background; family history; father; Finland; Frankfurt, Germany; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; immigrants; immigration; Jewish community; Jewish identity; landsmanshaft; Mariampol; Marijampolė, Lithuania; Mexico City, Mexico; migration; mother; parents; poetry; poets; Russian Army; San Antonio, Texas; sister; U.S.; United States; US; USA; writers; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers

8:54 - Jewishness in David's Childhood Home

Keywords: childhood; family; father; Jewish identity; Jewishness; Judaism; mother; parents; religious observance; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; Yiddish language; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt

11:15 - David's Parent's Memories of Eastern Europe

Keywords: Eastern Europe; family background; family history; father; grandparents; Lithuania; memories; mother; Old Country; parents; Poland

13:26 - David's Childhood Experience as a Yiddish-Speaking Jew in Texas

Keywords: America; brothers; childhood; dialects; father; Jewishness; Lithuanian Yiddish; New York; Texas; U.S.; United States; US; USA; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers

15:20 - David Describes His Childhood House and Neighborhood 17:48 - David's Memories of Celebrating Passover with His Family 19:10 - David's Childhood Awareness of World War II and the Holocaust

Keywords: childhood; father; grandparents; Holocaust; Nazis; news; radio; school; uncle; war draft; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

22:10 - The Values that David's Parents Passed on to Him 23:30 - David Tells a Story About Speaking in Yiddish with a Mongolian German-Speaker 25:10 - David Talks About His Wife, His Children, and His Grandchildren 26:40 - David's Friday Night Discussions with His Family

Keywords: author; books; child-rearing; children; family; fatherhood; Jewish culture; Jewishness; Judaism; parenthood; parenting; publishing; religious observance; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; Torah portion; Torah With Love: A Guide for Strengthening Jewish Values Within the Family; writer; writing

30:10 - David Discusses Some Values from His Upbringing that His Children Have Now 32:55 - David's Travel Experiences in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe

Keywords: 1950s; 1980s; anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Berlin Wall; Bialystok; Białystok, Poland; Eastern Europe; family background; family history; Germany; heritage; Israel; Leningrad; Mariampol; Marijampolė, Lithuania; roots; Russia; Saint Petersburg; shtetel; shtetl; son; Soviet Union; St. Petersburg; traveling; Yiddish language

43:14 - David's Engagement with Yiddish Language and Culture Today

Keywords: children; Columbia University; daughter; father; mother; parents; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish Camp; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers

44:27 - David Discusses His Connection to Mexican Jewry

Keywords: 1920s; athletics; Catholicism; ethnicity; Mexican culture; Mexican Jewry; Mexican Jews; Mexico; North America; religion; sports; weddings; Yiddish culture

48:07 - David's Identity as a Jew from Texas 50:14 - Speaking Yiddish at the White House

Keywords: America; Chanukah; Hanukkah; khanike; President George W. Bush; Ruth Wisse; U.S.; United States; US; White House; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers

52:03 - David's Thoughts on Younger Generations Learning Yiddish Today 54:07 - David's Advice to Future Generations

Keywords: advice; future generations; Jewish identity; Judaism; language; religious observance; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeyt; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt
