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0:00 - Introduction 0:41 - Mark's Family Background

Keywords: aunts; butcher; cousins; father; frum; Germany; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; great-grandfather; kashres; kashrus; kashrut; kashruth; kosher; Lodz; Lodzsh; mother; parents; Piotrkow Tribunalski; Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland; Po'ale Tsiyon; Poale Tsion; son; Soviet Union; tailor; U.S.S.R.; uncles; USSR; World War 1; World War I; WW1; WWI; Zionism; Zionists; Łódź, Poland

5:03 - Mark's Parents' Childhoods in Poland

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; aunts; children; cook; cousins; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; Holocaust; immigrants; immigration; Israel; mother; orphanage; Paris, France; Poland; Shoah; sons; uncles; World War 1; World War 2; World War I; World War II; WW1; WW2; WWI; WWII

8:15 - Mark's Parents' Involvement in Political Movements

Keywords: "Forverts"; "Morgn Freiheit"; "Morgn-frayhayt"; "The Forward"; "The Jewish Daily Forward"; "The Yiddish Daily Forward"; bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; Bund; chedar; cheder; Der Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeter Bund in Lite, Poyln, un Rusland; father; Hebrew school; heder; kheyder; mother; orphanages; Po'ale Tsiyon; Poale Tsion; Polish language; socialism; socialists; traditional religious school; uncles; unions; Yiddish language; Zionism; Zionists

10:21 - Mark Describes His Childhood Homes

Keywords: apartments; aunts; bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; congregation; Eastchester Heights; English language; Far Rockaway, Queens; father; French language; furriers; Hillside Homes; Jewish community; Jewish holidays; Long Beach, New York; mother; New York City; parents; Polish language; Queens, New York; school; schul; secular Yiddish school; shul; shule; siblings; sisters; synagogue; temple; The Bronx, New York; Yiddish language; yom tovim; yomim tobim; yomim tovim; yontef; yontev; yontoyvim

15:31 - Jewish Identity in Mark's Childhood Home

Keywords: Chanukah; chanukiah; countrymen; father; Hanukkah; hanukkiah; Holocaust; Holocaust survivors; Jewish holidays; khanike; landslayt; landsleit; menorah; mother; Old Country; parents; Passover; Pesach; peysekh; Shoah; Yiddish language; Yiddish literature; yom tovim; yomim tobim; yomim tovim; yontef; yontev; yontoyvim

18:56 - Mark Talks about Growing Up as a Child of Immigrants

Keywords: aunts; bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; bas mitzvah; bas-mitsve; bat mitzvah; bath mitzvah; children; congregation; cousins; daughters; English language; father; godfather; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; Iowa; Jewish culture; Jewish identity; liberalism; Long Beach, New York; mother; New York City; parents; schul; secular Judaism; shul; sons; synagogue; temple; The Bronx, New York; uncles; wife; Yiddish language

25:49 - Mark's Parents' Use of Yiddish at Home

Keywords: "Tumbalalaika"; Arbeter Ring; bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; Far Rockaway, Queens; father; folk songs; folksongs; labor movement; labor union movement; mother; New York City; parents; Queens, New York; radio; secular Yiddish school; shule; siblings; sisters; television; tv; Workers Circle; Workmen’s Circle; Yiddish language; Yiddish music

28:02 - Mark Discusses His Childhood Jewish Identity

Keywords: Arbeter Ring; bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; Cold Spring, New York; congregation; Eddie Cantor; Far Rockaway, Queens; frum; Jewish community; kashres; kashrus; kashrut; kashruth; kosher; labor movement; labor union movement; Long Beach, New York; New York City; Queens, New York; schul; secular Judaism; secular Yiddish school; shul; shule; Surprise Lake Camp; synagogue; temple; Workers Circle; Workmen’s Circle; Y.M.H.A.; Yiddish language; YMHA; Young Men's Hebrew Association; youth groups

31:39 - Mark Talks More about His Family History

Keywords: aunts; Chicago, Illinois; children; college; cousins; England, United Kingdom; family tree; father; genealogy; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; great-aunts; great-uncles; Holocaust surivors; immigrants; immigration; Iowa; Israel; Los Angeles, California; Mandatory Palestine; medical school; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; mother; Oregon; otolaryngologists; parents; Paris, France; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Poland; Russia; sons; Sweden; tailor; uncles; university; University of Pennsylvania; UPenn; values; wife; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII; Zionism; Zionists

42:03 - Mark's Early Adult Life Outside of New York City

Keywords: Binghamton, New York; children; Christianity; college; congregation; dormitories; dorms; father; frum; Iowa; Iowa City, Iowa; Jewish observance; Nashville, Tennessee; schul; shul; State University of New York at Binghamton; SUNY Binghamton; synagogue; temple; university; University of Iowa; wife

45:58 - How Mark and His Wife Created a Jewish Home

Keywords: Chanukah; children; congregation; family; father-in-law; grandchildren; Haggadah; hagode; Hanukkah; High Holidays; Hillel; Iowa City, Iowa; Jewish culture; Jewish history; Jewish holidays; Jewish identity; khanike; Passover; Pesach; peysekh; Poland; Purim; Rosh Hashanah; rosheshone; schul; shul; synagogue; temple; wife; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII; Yiddish language; Yom Kippur; yom tovim; yomim tobim; yomim tovim; yontef; yontev; yontoyvim

49:52 - Mark's Trip to Eastern Europe with His Father and Son

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Auschwitz; Aushvits; Aushvitsa; Aušvica; butcher shop; cemetery; concentration camps; congregation; Cracow; Eastern Europe; father; Frankfurt, Germany; Holocaust; interviews; Israel; Krakau; Krako; Krakow; Kraków, Poland; landslayt; landsleit; landsman; landsmanshaft; Lodz; Lodzsh; Majdanek, Poland; March of the Living; mother; Oshpetzin; Oshpitsin; Oshvitsin; Oshvyentsim; Osvětim; Osvienčim; Osvyenchim; Oświęcim, Poland; parents; Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland; Polish Jews; schul; Shoah; shul; sons; synagogue; temple; Ushpitzin; Varshah; Varshava; Warsaw, Poland; Warszawa; Wieliczka Salt Mine; Wieliczka, Poland; wife; Yom Ha'atzmaut (Independence Day); Łódź, Poland

59:25 - The Impact of Mark's Trip to Eastern Europe

Keywords: Auschwitz; Aushvits; Aushvitsa; Aušvica; Birkenau; concentration camps; Cracow; Eastern Europe; father; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; gymnasium; Holocaust; Israel; Jewish history; Krakau; Krako; Krakow; Kraków, Poland; Mandatory Palestine; mayor; mother; Oshpetzin; Oshpitsin; Oshvitsin; Oshvyentsim; Osvětim; Osvienčim; Osvyenchim; Oświęcim, Poland; parents; photography; Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland; Polish Jews; school; Shoah; suke; sukes; sukkah; Sukkos; Sukkot; uncles; Ushpitzin; Yiddish language

68:53 - Mark Talks about the Yiddish Language and His Jewish Identity

Keywords: committees; Holocaust; I.B. Singer; I.L. Peretz; Iowa; Isaac Bashevis Singer; Isaac Leib Peretz; Itskhok Bashevis Zinger; Jewish history; Jewish identity; Marc Chagall; Nashville, Tennessee; Oklahoma; Shalom Aleichem; Shalom Rabinovitz; Shoah; Sholem Aleichem; Sholem Aleykhem; Sholem Rabinovich; Sholem Rabinovitch; Sholem Rabinovitsh; Sholom Rabino; wife; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish literature; Yitzkhok Leybush Peretz; Yom HaShoah

73:29 - Mark's Thoughts on His Children's Jewish Identities 74:42 - Mark Talks More about the Role of Yiddish in His Life

Keywords: American Indians; Amherst, Massachusetts; Ashkenazi Jews; Ashkenazim; assimilation; Chasidic; Chasidism; Chassidic; Chassidism; Cherokee language; Cherokee Nation; Cherokee syllabary; Christmas; disabilities; disability; English language; father; Hasidic; Hasidism; Hassidic; Hassidism; Israel; Jewish history; Jewish identity; Ladino language; minorities; minority; Native Americans; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland; Sequoyah; Ultra-Orthodox Jews; Ultra-Orthodox Judaism; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish expressions; Yiddish language

81:42 - Closing Statement