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0:18 - Intro 0:54 - Joe Introduces His Father, the Yiddish Poet Alter Esselin

Keywords: 1800s; Alter Esselin; Chernigov, Russia; Chernihiv, Ukraine; Desna river; family background; family history; father; heritage; poet; poetry; roots; shtetel; shtetl; Yiddish writer

2:09 - Joe Describes Alter Esselin's Childhood Home 3:52 - Description of Alter Esselin's Mother and His Father, Who Was Killed by a Bull

Keywords: Alter Esselin; arranged marriage; bull; cattle dealer; chicken; childhood; death; family; marriage; Orthodox Jewry; Orthodox Judaism; relationships; romance

9:02 - The Influence of Alter Esselin's Family Background on His Storytelling

Keywords: Alter Esselin; chedar; cheder; family background; family history; father; heder; heritage; Jewish writer; kheyder (traditional religious school); literature; roots; storytelling; writer; Yiddish writer

10:24 - Alter Esselin's Various Apprenticeships After His Father's Death

Keywords: addiction; apprentice; carpenter; carpentry; cigarette factory; cigarette maker; death; family; loss; orphan; poverty; tailor

17:12 - Joe Describes Alter Esselin's Journey to the United States

Keywords: America; Antwerp, Belgium; Becky Friedland; cheese; family photographs; immigrants; immigration; journey; migration; photographs; ship; train; U.S.; United States; US

23:45 - Alter Esselin's Arrival in the United States 24:53 - Joe Recounts How Alter Esselin Got His American Name in the Carpenter's Union

Keywords: Alter Esselin; American name; Americanization; Art Solomon; Arthur Rubinstein; Arthur Solomon; assimilation; carpenter; name changes; Solomon; union

26:50 - Alter Esselin's Early Social Experiences in the United States and His First Marriage 28:39 - Joe Describes Alter Esselin's Wanderings Around the United States 29:58 - Alter Esselin's Fight with a Champion Boxer in Buffalo, New York 31:30 - Alter Esselin's Life as a Journeyman and His Discovery of Poetry

Keywords: authors; Canton, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan; Jewish community; journeyman; Moshe Leib Halpern; Moyshe Leyb Halpern; Moyshe-Leyb Halpern; newspaper; poetry; poets; Polish Jews; Polish poetry; publication; reading; travel; writers; writing

35:05 - Joe Explains the Meaning Behind Alter Esselin's Pen Name 37:17 - Alter Esselin's Distance from the Events of World War I 38:50 - Alter Esselin's Adventures in Detroit and His Move to Chicago

Keywords: America; Chicago, Illinois; Detroit, Michigan; job interview; train; U.S.; United States; US; Yiddish community; Yiddishists

41:03 - The Early Relationship Between Joe's Parents, Alter Esselin and Becky Friedland

Keywords: Chicago, Illinois; dating; garment industry; Jewish community; love; marriage; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; parents; relationship; Yiddish community

43:28 - Joe's Family's Move to California and His Father's Prize from the Freiheit (The Morgen Freiheit)

Keywords: 1920s; check; family; Freiheit; Los Angeles, California; Morgn Freiheit; Morgn-Frayhayt; Moshe Leib Halpern; Moyshe Leyb Halpern; Moyshe-Leyb Halpern; parent; pregnancy; prize; son; The Morgen Freiheit; Yiddish newspapers

45:29 - Joe Relates an Encounter Between Alter Esselin and an Editor in Los Angeles 48:09 - Joe Recalls Moving to Milwaukee as a Young Child

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Chicago, Illinois; childhood; Down's Syndrom; Germans; institutionalization; Los Angeles, California; Milwaukee, Wisconsin

53:02 - Joe Describes Alter Esselin's Physical Appearance 54:43 - Joe's Memories of Alter Esselin as a Writer and a Father

Keywords: Alter Esselin; author; childhood; father; poems; poet; poetry; publication; reading; son; telegram; voice; writing habits; Yiddish writer

58:59 - Joe Discusses Alter Esselin's Lifelong Addiction to Cigarettes 64:08 - More on Alter Esselin's Writing Habits, Including Writing Secretly at Work 65:31 - Alter Esselin's Career as a Carpenter 71:47 - Joe's Memories of His Parents' Loving Relationship

Keywords: Alter Esselin; author; childhood home; father; fight; fighting; literature; love; marriage; mother; parents; relationships; Sears; Sears, Roebuck & Company; washing machine; Yiddish writer

75:48 - The Languages in Joe's Childhood Home 77:56 - The Yiddish Writers Who Visited Joe's Childhood Home

Keywords: childhood home; H. Leyvik; Hey Leyvik; Malka Heifetz Tussman; Malka Tussman; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Moshe Leib Halpern; Moyshe Leyb Halpern; Moyshe-Leyb Halpern; Yiddish literature; Yiddish poet; Yiddish writers

81:19 - Joe Describes His Childhood Experience of Having a Yiddish Poet as a Father 83:16 - Joe Recites a Poem That Alter Esselin Addressed to Him

Keywords: Alter Esselin; father; poem; poet; poetry; recitation; Sholem Aleichem Folk Institute; Sholem Aleichem Folks Institut; Sholem Aleichem Folkshul Sistem; son; Yiddish language; Yiddish writer

85:47 - Alter Esselin's Intentions in Writing Poetry 87:14 - Joe Remembers His Secular Childhood Home

Keywords: atheism; atheist; aunt; grandfather; haggadah; Hebrew language; Jewish holidays; Jewish identity; Orthodox Judaism; Passover; Pesach; Peysekh; religion; religious practice; schul; secular; secularism; seders; Sholem Aleichem Folk Institute; Sholem Aleichem Folks Institut; Sholem Aleichem Folkshul Sistem; shul; synagogue; wine; zeyde

90:37 - Joe Shares an Anecdote about His Father's Relationship to Carpentry 91:57 - The Political Discussions that Took Place During Joe's Childhood

Keywords: Alter Esselin; Birobidzhan; Communist Youth Organization; CYO; father; ha-Shomer ha-Tsa'ir; Ha-Shomer ha-Tsa'ir; Hashomer Hatsair; Hashomer Hatzair; Jewish organizations; Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact; politics; Soviet Union; Soviet-Nazi Pact; The Young Guard; Treaty of Non-Aggression; Trotskyite; USSR; Yiddish language; Zionist youth organizations

98:37 - Joe Talks About the Books that Alter Esselin Owned

Keywords: Alter Esselin; books; childhood home; Crime and Punishment; father; Fyodor Dostoyevsky; literature; Russian literature; son; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish books

103:35 - Joe Describes the Jewish Community in Milwaukee in the 1930s 109:07 - The Literary Themes and Qualities of Alter Esselin's Poetry 115:52 - Joe Talks About Collaborating with His Father to Translate His Father's Poetry 121:48 - Joe Reflects on How He Remembers His Father Today 126:37 - Joe Shows His Family Photos and Narrates More of His Family's Life 144:12 - Joe Reads Some of Alter Esselin's Poems in Yiddish and English 153:21 - Joe Plays A Recording of Alter Esselin Reading One of His Poems

Keywords: Alter Esselin; audio recording; father; I.B. Singer; IB Singer; Isaac Bashevis Singer; Itskhok Bashevis Zinger; literature; Nobel Prize; son; translation; Yiddish language; Yiddish poetry; Yiddish poets

160:45 - Joe Talks About Alter Esselin's Attitudes About Yiddish 162:15 - Joe Recalls Writing a Play and Seeing it Performed on Television 167:33 - Joe's Thoughts on the History and the Future of Yiddish 172:08 - Joe's Closing Thoughts on What He Learned From His Father