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0:00 - Introduction 0:17 - The Story of Igor's Father's Family Settling in Uzhgorod, Ukraine

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Derazhnia; Hungarian Jews; Lithuanian Jews; massacres; pogroms; Soviet Jews; Ukrainian Jews; Ungvar; Užgorod; Uzhgorod; Uzhhorod; Uzhorod

3:36 - The Connections Between Igor's Family in Uzhgorod and Odessa

Keywords: Adyesa; Galician Jews; Galitsianer; galitsyaner; Jewish families; Jewish ritual; Lithuanian Jews; Litvak; Odesa; Odessa; plurality within Yiddish culture; shtetel; shtetl; Ukrainian Jews; Užgorod; Uzhgorod; Uzhhorod; Uzhorod

6:06 - The Story of Igor's Great-Grandfather Eating Pork 8:01 - Growing Up in Soviet Ukraine as a Jew in a Multiethnic Town

Keywords: 1980s; 1990s; anti-Semitism; antisemitism; childhood; early education; education; Jewish homes; Jewish identity; Jewish life in the Soviet Union; Jewish life in the USSR; Jewish life under Soviet policy; multiculturalism; multiethnic towns; Soviet Union; Ukrainian Jews; USSR

10:59 - "We Knew We Were Different": The Need to Hide Jewish Identity and Yiddish

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; childhood; early education; hiding Jewishness; Jewish identity; marginalization; marginalized community; multilingual Jews; Soviet Jews; Soviet Union; Ukrainian Jews; USSR; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers

17:47 - Navigating Religious Differences in a Secular Soviet Society

Keywords: 1980s; 1990s; anti-Semitism; antisemitism; hiding Jewish identity; JDC; Jewish identity; Jewish-non-Jewish relations; Joint Distribution Committee; Soviet Jews; Soviet secularism; Soviet Union; Ukrainian Jews; USSR

20:38 - The Changing Level of Observance of Igor's Family Before and After Immigration to the US

Keywords: 1990s; Brooklyn; childhood; immigration; immigration to the US; Jewish cultural education; Jewish education; Jewish identity; Jewish practice; Jewish ritual; New York; New York City; Orthodox yeshiva; Passover; Pesach; peysekh; Soviet Jews; Soviet Union; USSR; yeshibah; yeshivah; yeshive

25:39 - Politics in Igor's Family and the Effects of Glasnost and Perestroika on the Soviet Political Climate

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; dekulakization; glasnost; perestroika; political climate in the Soviet Union; political climate in the USSR; Soviet Jews; Soviet policy; Soviet Union; USSR

32:50 - Immigrating to the US and Transitioning to a New Culture

Keywords: 1990s; anti-Semitism; antisemitism; immigration to America; immigration to the US; Jewish immigrants; multilingual Jews; New York; New York City; Russian Jews; Russian language; Soviet army; Soviet Jews; USSR army; Yiddish language

42:42 - Igor's Family's Complicated Relationship as Ukrainian Citizens With Jewish Nationality

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; immigration from Soviet Union; immigration from USSR; Israel; Jewish identity; Jewish immigrants; Jewish-non-Jewish relations; Russian Jews; Soviet Jews; Ukrainian Jews

46:48 - Igor's Experiences in Stuyvesant High School

Keywords: high school education; Jewish education norms; Jewish parents; New York; New York City; private school; Stuyvesant High School

50:05 - Igor's Family's Involvement in Music and Art in the Soviet Union 51:24 - "That's Magic!": Coming to a Specialization in Physics 52:32 - Igor's Study of Yiddish as a Way to Center His Immigrant Identity

Keywords: American identity; Ashkenazi identity; assimilation; defining Jewishness; immigrant identity; Jewish identity; Jewish immigrants; Russian language; Shalom Rabinovitz; Sholem Aleichem; Yiddish in translation; Yiddish language; Yiddish literature

58:04 - Igor's Family's Emphasis on Keeping the Peace After the War 61:22 - Igor's Relationship to Yiddish and Hebrew and His Perspective on Zionism's Influence

Keywords: Ashkenazi cultural identity; Ashkenazi Jews; Ashkenazi pronunciation; Germany language; Hebrew language; Israel; Israeli cultural identity; Jewish cultural identity; Sephardic Jews; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish culture; Yiddish education; Yiddish language; Zionism; Zionist culture

65:20 - The Inseparable Connection Between Jewish Culture and Religion

Keywords: cultural transmission; education in Jewish culture; Jewish culture; Jewish education norms; Jewish history; Jewish identity; Jewish literature; Jewish ritual; Judaism; secular Jews; Shabbos; Shabes

72:06 - The Importance of Preserving the Continuity of Yiddish

Keywords: Chasidim; Chassidim; cultural transmission; dead languages; Hasidim; Hassidim; living language; Yiddish language; Yiddish revival; Yiddish speakers

76:06 - Igor's Plans for Linguistic and Cultural Transmission to His Future Children

Keywords: child-rearing; cultural transmission; English language; Jewish ritual; Judaism; language revival; multilingual Jews; raising children; Russian language; Yiddish language; Yiddish revival

79:35 - Igor's Favorite Song: Shnirele Perele 80:31 - Igor's Advice on Radical Change While Preserving Past Traditions 83:07 - The Need to Preserve Knowledge for Future Generations

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; book burning; cultural preservation; cultural transmission; family history; Jewish culture; Jewish history
