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0:00 - Introduction 0:39 - Jonathan's Family Background

Keywords: Austria; barber shops; Cestohowa; Chechnohova, Poland; Czestochowa; Częstochowa, Poland; Ellis Island, New Jersey; Ellis Island, New York; English language; father; grandfather; great-uncles; immigrants; immigration; Manhattan, New York; New York City; rabbis; repair business; typewriters

3:55 - Jonathan's Childhood Relationship with His Grandparents

Keywords: aunts; cousins; extended family; grandmother; grandparents; Great Neck, New York; great-grandmother; great-grandparents; New York City; Queens, New York; uncles; wife

6:02 - Jonathan's Childhood and Religious Education

Keywords: bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; chedar; cheder; confirmation; congregation; Great Neck, New York; Hebrew language; Hebrew school; heder; Jewish community; kheyder; Long Island, New York; president; Reform Judaism; schul; shul; synagogue; temple; traditional religious school

9:09 - Jonathan's Exposure to Yiddish as a Child

Keywords: assimilation; English language; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; great-grandmother; Jewish identity; mother; repair business; Yiddish language

11:42 - Jonathan's Family's Typewriter Repair Business

Keywords: Canal Street; father; grandfather; Long Island City, Queens; Lower Manhattan; Manhattan, New York; New York City; Queens, New York; repair business; typewriters

15:08 - The Culture Shock that Jonathan Experiences at the University of Vermont

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Burlington, Vermont; college; culture shock; Jewish identity; prejudice; roommates; university; University of Vermont; UVM

17:08 - Anti-Semitism in New England

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; children; ethnic slurs; father; New England; New Hampshire; Portland, Maine; religious slurs; repair business; stereotypes; typewriters; wife; Yankees

21:43 - Jonathan's Business Travels

Keywords: Bangladesh; businesses; Central America; computers; East Asia; Far East; James Carter; Japan; Jewish communities; Jimmy Carter; Maine; Malaysia; New England; New Yorker; Pakistan; Panama Canal; Philippines; repair business; Singapore; South America; Spanish language; typewriters

25:43 - Jonathan's Move to New Hampshire

Keywords: bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; bas mitzvah; bas-mitsve; bat mitzvah; bath mitzvah; Carle Place, New York; chedar; cheder; Cherry Lane School; children; congregation; Conservative Judaism; daughers; elementary school; family; grandchildren; grandsons; Great Neck, New York; Hebrew school; heder; Jewish identity; kheyder; New Hampshire; primary school; schul; shul; sons; synagogue; temple; traditional religious school; wife

28:41 - Jonathan Considers His Cultural Connections to Judaism

Keywords: Amherst, Massachusetts; community; friends; humor; Jerry Seinfeld; Jewish culture; Jewish identity; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish language; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt

31:54 - Jonathan Compares His High School and College Friendships

Keywords: Burlington, Vermont; childhood; college; Facebook; friendships; Great Neck, New York; high school; New York City; reunions; social media; university; University of Vermont; UVM; wife

36:18 - Jonathan's Jewish Identity Today

Keywords: Amherst, Massachusetts; children; community; congregation; family; friendships; Jewish culture; Jewish identity; Northampton, Massachusetts; schul; shul; social media; synagogue; temple; values

39:33 - Jonathan's Work at the Yiddish Book Center

Keywords: Aaron Lansky; Amherst, Massachusetts; development; employment; fundraising; Jewish culture; Jewish history; job; membership; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language

43:24 - Jonathan Recalls Two Donor Interactions at the Yiddish Book Center

Keywords: Amherst, Massachusetts; anecdotes; development; fundraising; job; Paper Bridge Summer Arts Festival; Steiner Summer Yiddish Program; workshops; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish language; Yiddish literature; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt

48:38 - The Obsolescence of the Typewriter and its Impact on Jonathan's Family

Keywords: big box stores; computers; dealers; family businesses; father; I.B.M.; IBM; Jericho, New York; middlemen; obsolescence; Office Solutions; parents; personal computers; photocopiers; repair business; retail outlets; typewriters; wholesale distributors; wholesalers; word processing

55:51 - Concluding Thoughts