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0:17 - Introduction 0:45 - Jonathan Describes His Family Ancestry in Eastern Europe

Keywords: aunts; Austria-Hungary; brothers; czarists; Dnipro, Ukraine; Eastern European Jews; economic opportunity; family background; family history; family names; fathers; grandfathers; grandmothers; grandparents; Hebrew names; immigration; Jewish ancestry; Jewish immigrants; Kraków, Poland; maiden names; military officers; military tailors; military uniforms; mothers; professions; relatives; Russian Army; siblings; Soviet Union; tsarists; uncles; USSR

3:39 - Jonathan's Childhood Memories of Yiddish and Hebrew Language

Keywords: childhood memories; conversational Hebrew; Hebrew language; Hebrew prayers; Hebrew schools; Jewish languages; language learning; religious education; religious languages; Spanish language; Yiddish language; Yiddish slang words; Yiddish vocabulary

5:13 - Jonathan's Jewish Upbringing in a Multi-Ethnic Neighborhood

Keywords: adolescence; American holidays; Armenians; bar mitzvahs; bar-mitsves; BBYO; childhood friends; confirmation classes; congregations; ethnic diversity; family friends; family gatherings; father; Irish families; Italians; Jewish culture; Jewish education; Jewish families; Jewish foods; Jewish holidays; Jewish humor; Jewish identity; Jewish neighborhoods; Jewish suburbs; Jewish upbringing; Jewish youth groups; Jewish youth organizations; Jewishness; mother; multi-ethnic neighborhoods; parents; Passover; Persian food; Pesach; peysekh; religious observance; religious services; Rosh Hashanah; rosheshone; schuls; shuls; suburban developments; synagogues; teenage years; teenagers; Thanksgiving; traditional foods

12:31 - Jonathan's Current Involvement in Organized Jewish Life

Keywords: A Better Place; BBYO; Berrie Fellowship; Bet Shemesh, Israel; board presidents; congregations; Conservative Jews; finance chairs; gender discrimination; gender roles; Haredi Jews; IDF; Israeli culture; Israeli Defense Force; Israeli leaders; Israeli military; Jerusalem, Israel; Jewish Federation; Jewish nonprofits; Jewish organizations; leadership fellowships; leadership positions; military officers; Orthodox Jews; Reform Jews; religious denominations; River Edge, New Jersey; schuls; Shalom Hartman Institute; shuls; synagogue board members; synagogue brotherhoods; synagogue leadership initiatives; synagogues; Temple Avodat Shalom; Tzfat, Israel; UJA

16:00 - Jonathan Discusses His Childhood Summers and Leisure Activities

Keywords: allergies; asthma; AZRA; Berkshires; Berrie Fellowship; Birthright; Catskill Mountains; Catskills; childhood memories; college education; Crane Lake Camp; daughters; family gatherings; family vacations; grandfathers; grandmothers; grandparents; Hebrew schools; husband; intifadas; Jerusalem, Israel; Jewish cultural identity; Jewish day camps; Jewish education; Jewish heritage tours; Jewish holidays; Jewish identity; Jewish summer camps; Jewishness; leisure activities; marriage; Masada National Park; Reform Jews; religious observance; sleepaway camps; study abroad programs; summer vacations; Tel Aviv, Israel; URJ Eisner Camp; vacation homes; wife

20:50 - Jonathan Describes Formative Moments in Jewish History

Keywords: daughters; Federation General Assembly; historical events; husband; intifadas; Israel; Israeli culture; Israeli history; Jewish history; Jewish identity; Jewish youth groups; Jewish youth organizations; marriage; military conflicts; Natan Sharansky; Palestine; protesters; protests; refusenik movement; refuseniks; Russian Jews; social movements; solidarity rallies; Soviet Jews; Soviet Union; Talmud; Tanakh; Torah; toyre; USSR; wife; Women of the Wall

24:25 - Jonathan Reflects on His Jewish Values and Cultural Identity

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Borscht Belt; chesed; cultural heritage; cultural transmission; grandchildren; Jewish comedians; Jewish comedy; Jewish culture; Jewish films; Jewish foods; Jewish history; Jewish humor; Jewish identity; Jewish languages; Jewish movies; Jewish traditions; Jewish values; Judaism; Marx Brothers; Mel Brooks; religious observance; stand-up comedians; stand-up comics; traditional foods; tsdoke; tsedakah; tzedakah; zedakah; Zero Mostel

28:31 - Jonathan Considers Generational Differences in Jewish Identity

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; discrimination; family history; family stories; future generations; generational differences; grandfathers; grandmothers; grandparents; inclusion; Jewish identity; Jewishness; Ku Klux Klan; pogroms; prejudice; racism

31:49 - Jonathan Reflects on the Importance of Yiddish in the Present

Keywords: conversational Yiddish; dead languages; dying languages; Eastern European Jews; father; German Yiddish; grandfathers; grandmothers; grandparents; Hebrew language; Jewish languges; linguistics; living languages; mother; Old Country; Old World; parents; Polish Yiddish; Russian Yiddish; Yiddish dialects; Yiddish language; Yiddish revival

34:40 - Words of Advice for Future Generations

Keywords: advice; cultural differences; cultural understanding; eytse; future generations; Jewish identity; Jewish values; Jewishness; tolerance

35:56 - Jonathan's Grandfather's Journey Across Siberia to the United States

Keywords: Bronx, New York; brothers; Chicago, Illinois; Ellis Island; ferry rides; German U-boats; grandfathers; grandparents; great-grandfathers; Hoboken, New Jersey; Hudson River; immigration journey; Jewish immigrants; Pacific Ocean; relatives; Russia; San Francisco, California; Siberia; Soviet Union; uncles; USSR; Yokohama, Japan

38:53 - Closing Remarks and Family Anecdotes about Jonathan's Grandfather

Keywords: admission tests; architects; architectural engineers; Berrie Fellowship; careers; college admissions; college education; college reunions; Conservative Jews; Cooper Union; Dnipro, Ukraine; engineers; family history; family stories; fellow countrymen; grandfathers; grandparents; great-grandparents; Jewish ancestry; landsmanshaftn; Orthodox Jews; professions; religious rights; school reunions; shomer Shabbos; shoymer-shabes
