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0:00 - Introduction 0:46 - Jack's Family Background

Keywords: composer; family background; family history; grandfather; heritage; khazones (Jewish liturgical music); Lubavitch; musician; Noah Schall; Riga, Latvia; roots; zemirot; zmires (Sabbath hymns sung at the table)

6:05 - Jack's Introduction to Khazones (Jewish Liturgical Music)

Keywords: Alter Yechiel Karniol; cantor; Chaim Bieler; chazan; chazzan; childhood; father; hazan; hazzan; khazn; khazones (Jewish liturgical music); mother; Noah Schall; parents; singer; Willie Bogzester; Yiddish music; Yiddish songs; Yossele Rosenblatt

14:41 - Jack's Education at the Hebrew Union College

Keywords: adolescence; bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; chazan; chazzan; childhood; depression; education; hazan; hazzan; Hebrew Union College; high school; HUC; khazn; khazones; music; musicians; Reform movement; teenage years

23:38 - Jack Describes His Many Cantorial Positions

Keywords: American Opera Center; cantor; chazan; chazzan; father; hazan; hazzan; High Holidays; Julliard; khazn; marriage; mother; opera; parents; shul; son; spouse; synagogue; wife

30:27 - Jack Discusses His Role as a Teacher of Khazones 37:52 - Meeting Frank London and Collaborating with Other Musicians 40:15 - Jack's Thoughts on and Goals for the State of Jewish Music 44:12 - Jack Reminisces on the Cantors of Older Generations 50:09 - Teaching Khazones in Sephardic Hebrew 51:48 - Jack's Favorite Cantors of His Own Generation

Keywords: Alberto Mizrahi; cantors; chazan; chazzan; hazan; hazzan; khazn; khazones; Netanel Hershtik; Simon Spiro; the Rozhinke Retreat

57:32 - Jack Shows the Word Painting Technique of Interpreting Khazones 61:41 - Jack Sings in Yiddish 63:51 - Jack's Memories of Growing Up in Borough Park

Keywords: Boro Park; Borough Park; Brooklyn, New York; childhood; davening; father; khazones; mother; New York City; parents; S&M Deli; Sachs and Mendelson's Deli
