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0:18 - Introduction 0:46 - Meyer Krawetz's Date and Place of Birth 2:54 - Meyer Krawetz's Childhood in Eastern Europe and Immigration to the U.S.

Keywords: childhood; Eastern Europe; family history; family stories; heritage; immigration; Meyer Krawetz; migration; Old Country; religion; religious observance; Roma people; roots; Sefardic; Sefardim; Sephardic; Sephardim; Sfardi; storyteller; storytelling; United States

9:36 - Meyer Krawetz's Physical Appearance 13:47 - Meyer Krawetz's Personality and Political Activism

Keywords: communist; communistm; ILGWU; Meyer Krawetz; organizer; political activism; The International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union; unions

16:45 - Cara's Childhood Home in Upper Manhattan 21:08 - The Family Dynamics in Cara's Childhood Home

Keywords: artist; Bronx, New York; brother; California; cooking; culinary traditions; daughter; family dynamics; food; garment worker; immigration; love; Lower East Side, New York; Manhattan, New York; marriage; migration; mother; New York City, New York; Poland; political activism; politics; relationships; sculpture

27:12 - Cara Remembers Her Father's Writing

Keywords: childhood; English language; Hell's Kitchen, New York; identity; Meyer Krawetz; New York Public Library; writer; writing; Yiddish language

33:58 - The Presence of Yiddish Language and Writers in Cara's Childhood 37:25 - Starring in a Play with the Folksbiene Theatre

Keywords: acting; actor; actress; National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene; NYTF; The Rise of David Levinsky; Yiddish language; Yiddish learning; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Zvee Scooler

41:51 - The Importance of Attending Cultural Events in Cara's Family

Keywords: intellectualism; Jewish working class; Metropolitan Opera House; museums; musicals; New York City, New York; operas; theater; theatre

45:49 - The Presence of the Old Country in Cara's Childhood Home 47:07 - Celebrating Passover in the Bronx 50:39 - Meyer Krawetz's Unclear Family History

Keywords: author; family history; heritage; identity; Meyer Krawetz; name; origins; pen name; Polish language; pseudonyms; roots; Russian language; Yiddish writer

55:22 - Cara Describes the Content of Meyer Krawetz's Writing

Keywords: common man; English language; literature; Maxim Gorky; Meyer Krawetz; Nikolai Gogol; short stories; theater; theatre; translation; underdog; writing; Yiddish language; Yiddish writer

59:42 - Cara Remembers the Parties Thrown for Her Father

Keywords: author; childhood; literature; Meyer Krawetz; parties; party; publishing; recitation; speaker; union; Yiddish writer

62:04 - Cara Recalls Meyer Krawetz's Voice When He Read to Her

Keywords: bedtime stories; childhood; comic books; graphic novels; Jewish corn rye bread; Meyer Krawetz; reader; reading; voice; Yiddish language

67:58 - Meyer Krawetz's Involvement in Yiddish Cultural Life and Literary Circles 69:27 - Meyer Krawetz's Interest in Mysticism

Keywords: fairies; fairy eggs; Jewish mysticism; Meyer Krawetz; mysticism; tarot cards; tarot deck; tarot reading; trees

76:16 - Cara's Connections to Her Father Through Mysticism and Literature

Keywords: book; concentration camp; culinary traditions; daughter; father; food; Holocaust; Jerusalem, Israel; literature; Meyer Krawetz; mysticism; Terezin; Theresienstadt; World War 2; World War II; writer; writing; WW2; WWII; Yad Vashem

86:53 - Cara's Strong Identification with the Holocaust 88:25 - The Importance for Cara of Talking About Her Father

Keywords: family; Italy; love; Meyer Krawetz; relationship; Venetian Ghetto; Venice; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish language

91:57 - The Love Letters Between Cara's Parents 94:09 - Cara's memories of Meyer Krawetz's death 100:56 - The Impact of Being a Yiddish Writer's Daughter on Cara's Identity

Keywords: heritage; identity; Italian culture; Italian literature; Jewish community; Jewish identity; Meyer Krawetz; roots; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish writer

107:42 - Cara's Closing Thoughts on Sharing Her Father's Story