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0:18 - Introduction 0:37 - Fred's Family History in Hamm, Germany

Keywords: cattle farmers; cattle farming; dairy products; family background; family businesses; family history; farm animals; father; German language; Germans; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; Hamm, Germany; Jewish ancestry; Jewish villages; manure piles; mother; parents; railroad stations; rivers

6:14 - Fred Remembers Jewish Life in Hamm Before World War II

Keywords: family traditions; German Jews; Hamm, Germany; Jewish families; Jewish rituals; Jewish traditions; Kristallnacht; Nazi Party; Nazis; religious services; schuls; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; shuls; synagogues; temples; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

10:03 - Fred Describes When Nazis Burned Hamm's Synagogue

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; arson; father; German Jews; Hamm, Germany; Holocaust memorials; mother; Nazi Party; Nazis; parents; physical violence; schuls; shuls; Synagogenplatz; synagogues; temples; village inns; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

12:42 - Fred's Father's Experience in Dachau and Escaping to America

Keywords: America; American consulates; anti-Semitism; antisemitism; brothers; cattle cars; concentration camps; Dachau; father; Gestapo; health certificates; immigration; Jewish immigrants; Kansas City, Missouri; mother; Munich, Germany; Nazi Party; Nazis; parents; physical violence; Rhine River; siblings; sisters; Stuttgart, Germany; travel affidavits; travel papers; travel visas; U.S.; United States; US; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

17:35 - Fred Describes His Memories of His Family's Cattle Business

Keywords: cattle business; cattle farmers; cattle farming; cattle markets; dairy products; family businesses; farm animals; farmers market; father; German Jews; Jewish farmers; Koblenz, Germany; mother; parents; Rhine River; steers; sugar beets

22:31 - Fred's Childhood Memories of the Growing Tensions in the 1930s

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; bullies; bullying; childhood friends; childhood memories; father; German Jews; German language; Hebrew language; High Holidays; High Holy Days; Jewish holidays; Jewish identity; Jewishness; mother; Nazi occupation; Nazi Party; Nazis; parents; religious services; schoolteachers; schuls; shuls; synagogues; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

28:52 - Fred Discusses Jewish Cattle Farmers and the Family Business

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; cattle business; cattle dealers; cattle farmers; cattle farming; cattle markets; family businesses; family farms; farm animals; fertilizers; German Jews; grandfathers; grandmothers; grandparents; Holocaust; Jewish businesses; Jewish farmers; manure piles; pastures; relatives; uncles; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

32:54 - Religious Observance and Jewish Culture in Fred's Childhood

Keywords: cattle dealers; cattle farmers; Eastern European Jews; family traditions; father; German Jews; Hebrew language; High Holidays; High Holy Days; Jewish farmers; Jewish holidays; Jewish languages; Jewish peddlers; Jewish religion; mother; parents; religious observance; religious services; schuls; shuls; siblings; sisters; synagogues; temples; Yiddish language

36:51 - Fred Recalls His Jewish Education and Early Jewish Values

Keywords: blessings; cantors; chedars; cheders; congregations; family history; family stories; father; grandparents; heders; Jewish ancestry; Jewish education; Jewish educators; Jewish history; Jewish schools; Jewish teachers; Jewish values; kheyders; mother; parents; prayers; religious education; schuls; shuls; synagogues

39:42 - Fred's Family's Long Journey from Stuttgart, Germany to America

Keywords: American ships; Cologne, Germany; concentration camps; cousins; Dachau; entry ports; family friends; father; genocides; Gestapo; Holocaust; immigration visas; Jewish immigrants; Koblenz, Germany; labor camps; Marseille, France; mass murders; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; mother; parents; refugees; relatives; seasickness; Stuttgart, Germany; train travel; travel affidavits; travel papers; travel visas; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

45:23 - Fred Remembers Adjusting to Life in Kansas City, Missouri

Keywords: clothing manufacturing; domestic workers; English language; father; garment industry; garment workers; German Jews; housecleaners; immigration; Italians; Jewish community; Jewish families; Jewish immigrants; Kansas City, Missouri; ladies' clothing; mother; parents; railroad stations; relatives; sisters; Syrians; wealthy neighborhoods; working-class neighborhoods

50:33 - The Impact of the Holocaust on Fred's Family in Europe

Keywords: Auschwitz; cattle cars; concentration camps; death camps; Eastern European Jews; family members; genocides; German Jews; Holocaust; labor camps; mass murders; relatives; Theresienstadt; uncles; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

52:45 - Fred's Time in the Air Force and Revisiting Germany Post-WWII

Keywords: Air Force; cattle cars; childhood homes; family heritage; family history; genocides; Hamm, Germany; Holocaust; Jewish history; Jewish villages; mass murders; military service; Nazi Party; Nazis; Riga, Latvia; Wiesbaden, Germany; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

57:33 - Fred Shares How He Met His Wife

Keywords: Chicago, Illinois; family traditions; family values; husband; Jewish holidays; Jewish identity; Jewish rituals; Jewish traditions; Jewish values; Jewish youth groups; Jewish youth organizations; marriage; parenting; religious observance; schuls; shuls; siblings; sisters; synagogues; temples; wife

60:22 - Fred Reflects on the Role of Yiddish Today

Keywords: contemporary Yiddish; English language; German language; Hebrew language; Jewish identity; Jewish languages; Jewish life; sons; spoken Yiddish; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers; Yiddish students

62:52 - Closing Remarks on Family and Words of Advice

Keywords: advice; eytse; family history; family legacy; family stories; future generations; grandchildren; Jewish identity; Jewish languages; Jewish values; Jewishness; Yiddish language
