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0:17 - Introduction 0:35 - Rhoda's Family Background and Her Childhood Neighborhood in Jackson Heights, Queens

Keywords: Brooklyn, New York; childhood neighborhood; family history; father; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; Jackson Heights; Jurovscyna; Labun; Lubin; mother; Novaya Labun'; Novo-Labun'; Nowaja Labun; parents; Queens, New York; the "el" train; Yurovschina; Yurovshchyna, Ukraine; Łabuń

3:26 - Jewishness and Yiddish in Rhoda's Childhood Home

Keywords: childhood home; father; Forverts; gefilte fish; Hebrew language; Jewish cooking; Jewish food; mother; Passover; Pesach; peysekh; pregnancy; schul; seder; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; shul; synagogue; The Forward; The Jewish Daily Forward; The Yiddish Daily Forward; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

13:49 - Rhoda Describes Reconnecting with a Hebrew School Peer Decades Later in Florida 16:57 - The Various Jewish Businesses in Rhoda's Childhood Neighborhood

Keywords: challah; childhood; Holocaust; Jackson Heights; Jewish businesses; Jewish food; Jewish shops; kosher butcher; kosher deli; New York City; orphan; Queens, New York

21:16 - Rhoda Talks about WEVD and Yiddish Music in the Home

Keywords: "Rozhinkes mit mandlen (Raisons with almonds)"; Barneys New York; childhood; New York City; WEVD; Yiddish music; Yiddish radio; Yiddish songs

24:24 - Rhoda's Relationship with Yiddish and Jewishness after Leaving Her Childhood Home

Keywords: dancing; Hebrew school; Judaism; kosher home; motherhood; records; religious observance; schul; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; shul; synagogue; temple; Victrola; Yiddish film; Yiddish language; Yiddish music

26:34 - Rhoda Describes Her Childhood Summers at Her Family's Bungalow 28:46 - Rhoda Discusses Her Yiddish Club and Her Relationship to Yiddish Today

Keywords: JCC; Jewish Community Center; Kings Point; Orthodox Jews; Orthodox Judaism; Sholem Asch; Yiddish Club; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish literature; Yiddish speakers

35:21 - The Place of Yiddish in Rhoda's Broader Jewish Identity Today

Keywords: bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; challah; chicken soup; Florida; Hebrew school; Jewish cooking; Jewish holidays; Jewish identity; kosher; mother; Orthodox Judaism; prayers; praying; Reform Judaism; schul; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; shul; synagogue; temple; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language

42:36 - Rhoda Shares Advice for Younger Generations