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0:00 - Introduction 0:17 - Jean's Family's Immigration to Argentina and the United States

Keywords: actor; America; Argentina; Argentinian Jews; Bernard Malamud; Bernie Malamud; building contractor; immigration; Isidore Cashier; migration; Moisés Ville; prompter; Russia; Russian Jews; United States; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

4:30 - Jean's Mother's Stories of Life Growing Up in Moisés Ville

Keywords: actor; agricultural work; America; Argentina; childhood; contractor; death; immigration; Maurice Moscovich; migration; Moisés Ville; prompter; Russian Jews; United States; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

8:10 - Jean's Memories of Her Childhood in Brooklyn

Keywords: actor; Bronx; Brooklyn; childhood; immigrants; Isidore Lipinsky; migrants; New York City; Spanish language; Yiddish language; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

9:35 - The Various Places in Which Jean's Family Lived During Her Childhood

Keywords: actor; Argentina; Boston, Massachusetts; Charlie Chaplin; Chicago; child-rearing; childhood; Detroit, Michigan; Dorchester, Massachusetts; Hebrew Actors' Union; Illinois; parenthood; prompter; raising children; unions; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

12:27 - Jean and Her Mother's Return to Argentina to Visit Family

Keywords: America; Argentina; Argentinian Jews; Buenos Aires; childhood; Congallo; education; immigration; Jewish identity; migration; Spanish language; United States; Yiddish language

16:31 - Jean's Father's Work in Yiddish Theater

Keywords: actor; American Jews; Argentina; Boston, Massachusetts; Brooklyn; Chicago, Illinois; childhood; childhood home; Hopkinson Theatre; New York City; Parkway Theatre; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; prompter; Yiddish play; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

19:55 - Jean Describes Her Uncle Isidore Cashier 22:52 - Jean's Father's Appearance, Their Relationship, and His Social Circle

Keywords: actor; Bernard Malamud; Bernie Malamud; child-rearing; father; fatherhood; Isadir Cashier; Itzik Lipinsky; Maurice Schwartz; parenthood; parenting; physical appearance; playwriter; playwriting; raising children; Ruchol Novikoff; Russia; Russian Empire; Russian Revolution; Samuel Goldenberg; Shifra Lerer; writer; Yiddish language; Yiddish literature; Yiddish plays; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

31:08 - Jean's Memories of Her Cousin, Bernard Malamud 34:05 - Jean's Mother's Process of Becoming a Beautician 35:22 - Jean Shares More Stories About Her Cousin Bernard Malamud

Keywords: Arthur Miller; bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; Bennington; Bernard Malamud; Bernie Malamud; death; dying; Jericho; Lincoln Center; Long Island; Marilyn Monroe; mourning; New York; shibah; shiva; shivah; shive; synagogue; temple; wedding; writer

42:39 - The Yiddish Theater Scene in New York City

Keywords: actor; Café Royal; comedies; dramas; English language; Itzik Feld; Louis Weisberg; Menasha Skulnik; multilingualism; National Theatre; New York City; Orpheum; People's Theater; prompter; Robert Merrill; Second Avenue Theatre; Stella Adler; Yiddish Art Theatre; Yiddish language; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Yiddish vaudeville

51:16 - The Yiddish Theater Scene In Buenos Aires 52:33 - The Decline of the American Yiddish Theater Scene 56:05 - Jean's Experiences Becoming a Model

Keywords: Barbizon School of Modeling; City College; education; father; fatherhood; marriage; model; undergraduate education; wedding

58:25 - Jean's Father's Stubborn Personality 60:34 - The Impact of Americanization on Yiddish Theater

Keywords: actor; Americanization; Folksbiene; National Yiddish Theatre; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish music; Yiddish songs; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

62:48 - Jean and Her Husband's Involvement with Their Jewish Community

Keywords: death; dying; Jericho; Jewish community; Jewish ritual; Judaism; Long Island; mourning; soldier; synagogue; temple; veteran; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language

67:42 - Jean's Perspective on the Future of Yiddish

Keywords: Aaron Lansky; American culture; Americanization; Jewish immigration; Jewish-non-Jewish relations; National Museum of American Jewish History; PBS; Philadelphia; Sidney Lumet; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish literature; YIVO
