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0:00 - Introduction 0:17 - Shirley's Family's Life in Poland and Their Immigration to the United States

Keywords: 1900s; Cracow; Galicia; Galician Jews; garment industry; Krakau; Krako; Krakow; Kraków, Poland; landsmanshaft (association of immigrants); Lower East Side; New York City; Passover; Pesach; peysekh; Poland; Polish Jews; singer; Skala; Skała; Tarło; Tarłów; toll agent; toll collector; toll taker; Ukraine; Ukrainian Jews

5:44 - Shirley's Childhood Neighborhood in Pelham Parkway in the Bronx

Keywords: American Jews; Bronx; Jewish communities; Jewish neighborhoods; Jewish ritual; New York City; Pelham Parkway; pidyen-aben (redemption ceremony); Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes

8:38 - The Effect of the Great Depression on Shirley's Father's Business 11:09 - Shirley's Father's Involvement in Founding a Conservative Shul 12:32 - The Languages and Music with which Shirley Grew Up

Keywords: "Raisins and almonds"; "Rozhinkes mit mandlen"; English language; Jewish music; Jewish singing; Jewish songs; Judy Garland; multilingualism; Polish language; singer; technological advancements; Yiddish language; Yiddish music; Yiddish singing; Yiddish songs

17:37 - Shirley Describes the Bungalow Colonies in the Catskill Mountains 21:28 - Shirley's Experiences With Various Yiddish Performers During Her Childhood

Keywords: Abe Schwartz; Brookside Hotel; Dina Goldberg; Fyvush Finkel; Hymie Jacobson; Irvin Jacobson; Irving Grossman; klezmer music; Loch Sheldrake; May Schoenfeld; Miriam Feder; performer; singer; Sylvia Feder; Yiddish language; Yiddish music; Yiddish speakers; Yiddish theater

27:15 - Shirley Describes the Vaudeville Shows in the Catskills

Keywords: Abe Schwartz; Catskill Mountains; Catskills; childhood; Lillian Lux; Peisach Burstein; Peisachke Burstein; performance; Pesach Burstein; Pesach'ke Burstein; singing; Sylvia Schwartz; theater; vaudeville

31:43 - Shirley's Memories of Second Avenue in New York City

Keywords: 181 Club; Boris Thomashefsky; gay club; Houston Street; LGBT club; Ludwig Satz; National Theater; National Theatre; New York; New York City; Second Avenue; Second Avenue Theater; Second Avenue Theatre; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Yonah Schimmel's Knish Bakery; Yonah Schimmel's Knishes

33:46 - Rehearsals at Second Avenue Theatre

Keywords: 1940s; Benjamin Schoenfeld; childhood; Hymie Jacobson; Irving Jacobson; Jacob Kalich; Molly Picon; Schnitzel Putzel; singer; Yankev Kalach; Yiddish language; Yiddish music; Yiddish performance; Yiddish song; Yiddish speakers; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

40:21 - Shirley Describes Second Avenue Theatre's Atmosphere

Keywords: actor; Bruce Adler; English language; Esther Fields; Henrietta Jacobson; Jennie Goldstein; Julius Adler; Molly Picon; movies; multilingual Jews; multilingualism; Peter Lorre; Second Avenue Theater; Second Avenue Theatre; singer; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

47:30 - Shirley's Mother Buying Her an Egg Cream to Avoid the Gerry Society

Keywords: actor; Café Royal; child labor; child protection services; childhood; egg cream; Gerry Society; New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children; underage labor

51:52 - Shirley's Involvement with WEVD Radio Station

Keywords: 1930s; 1940s; Aaron Lebedeff; AMPAL; colloquial Yiddish; fundraising; Holocaust; musician; Shloyme Sekunda; Sholem Sekunda; Sholom Secunda; singer; street Yiddish; technological advances; WEVD; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII; Yiddish dialects; Yiddish language; Yiddish radio; Yiddish speakers

61:11 - The Difficulty of Yiddish Actors Transitioning to Mainstream Entertainment

Keywords: acting; actor; English language; entertainment industry; Reizl Bozyk; singer; Yiddish actors; Yiddish language; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

65:20 - The Place of Yiddish in Shirley's Life and in Her Family

Keywords: Germany; Hebrew language; Israel; Poland; Polish language; post-vernacularity; postvernacularity; State of Israel; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers

67:50 - The Current State of Yiddish Theater and the Impact of Israel on Yiddish Culture

Keywords: English language; Folksbiene; future of Yiddish; Hebrew language; Israel; New York City; Russian language; State of Israel; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish culture; Yiddish lanugage; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

71:11 - Shirley Describes the Basics of the Vaudeville Genre 74:03 - Shirley Shows a Picture of Her Singing at a Fundraising Dinner 74:55 - Shirley Shows a Picture of Her Singing in a Hotel Ballroom 75:24 - Shirley Shows a Picture of Her Drum Majorette Costume 75:51 - Shirley Shows a Picture of Her Performing at the Concord Hotel 76:19 - Shirley Shows a Picture of Her with the Master of Ceremonies for One of Her Performances

Keywords: adolescence; Catskills; child performers; childhood; Concord Hotel; Concord Resort Hotel; Kiamesha Lake; New York; singer; teenage years

76:39 - Shirley Shows a Picture of Her Rehearsing with a Pianist 77:05 - Shirley Shows a Picture of Her at 17 Years Old Waiting to Go Onstage 77:56 - Shirley Sings, "Mama Stop Your Worrying"