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0:00 - Introduction 0:17 - Max's Parents' Life During and After the Holocaust

Keywords: concentration camps; displaced persons camp; DP camps; generational trauma; ghetto life; Holocaust; Holocaust survivors; Lodz; Lodzsh; Poland; Polish Jews; Varshah; Warsaw; Warszawa; Łódź

2:33 - Max's Mother's Life Before the War in Łódź

Keywords: Jewish businesses; Jewish families; Lodz; Lodzsh; Poland; Polish Jews; pre-Holocaust Jewish communities; Łódź

4:13 - Max's Father's Life Before the War in Warsaw

Keywords: Hebrew school; Jewish communities; Jewish families; Jewish homes; Jewish ritual; Poland; Polish Jews; Varshah; Warsaw; Warszawa

6:03 - Max's Parents' Experiences in Concentration and Displaced Persons Camps

Keywords: 1940s; Auschwitz; black markets; displaced persons camp conditions; displaced persons camps; DP camp black markets; DP camp conditions; DP camps; genocide; Holocaust; Holocaust survivor families; Holocaust survivors; Jewish smugglers; Lodz Ghetto; Poland; Polish Jewry; Polish Jews; smuggling; Warsaw Ghetto; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII; Łódź Ghetto

11:08 - "The American Version of Who We Were": Immigrating to the US and Using Multiple Names 13:20 - Max's Childhood Growing Up in Brighton Beach 15:26 - The Holocaust Survivor Community that Became Max's Extended Family

Keywords: American Jews; Brighton Beach; Brooklyn, New York; Holocaust survivor community; Holocaust survivor families; Holocaust survivors; Holocaust trauma; integration of Jewish immigrant communities; Jewish community; Jewish immigrant experiences; Jewish immigrants; multilingual; multilingualism; New York; New York City; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers

18:29 - Max's Trip to Discover His Roots and His Experiences of Hostility in Germany

Keywords: anti-Semitism in Germany; antisemitism in Germany; children of Holocaust survivors; Germany; Holocaust survivor families; identity discovery; identity searching; Jewish immigrants; non-Jewish-Jewish relations; post-Holocaust Germany; roots

22:27 - Max's Father's Work as a Butcher

Keywords: association of immigrants; butcher; food; Holocaust trauma; hospitality; Jewish food; Jewish hospitality; Jewish immigrants; landsmanshaft

24:53 - Max's Childhood Home and His Jewish Community

Keywords: bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; Brighton Beach; Brooklyn, New York; Hebrew language; Hebrew school; Holocaust survivor communities; Holocaust trauma; Jewish communities; Jewish education; Jewish families; Jewish homes; Jewish parents; New York City; Yom Kippur

32:37 - The Shooting at Max's Father's Butcher Shop and His Parents' Trip to Israel

Keywords: 1970s; Brooklyn, New York; butcher; butcher shop; Germany; gun violence; Holocaust survivor communities; Holocaust trauma; Israel; Jewish immigrants; Jewish-non-Jewish relations; New York; New York City; violence

39:24 - The Division Between Jewish Holocaust Refugees and American-Born Jews

Keywords: alcohol; American Jewry; American Jews; Brighton Beach; Brooklyn, New York; children of Holocaust survivors; drinking; Holocaust stories; Holocaust survivor communities; Holocaust survivor parents; Holocaust trauma; Jewish immigrants; Jewish neighborhoods; New York; New York City; refugees; Shoah Foundation; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

43:16 - Max's Life Raising a Family in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania

Keywords: American Jews; Americanization; cultural transmission; Holocaust survivor families; Holocaust trauma; intermarriage; Jewish culture; Jewish families; Jewish homes; Jewish identity; Jewish immigrant families; Jewish-non-Jewish relations

48:34 - Max's Mother's Cooking and the Importance of Food in the Home

Subjects: apple cake; Brighton Beach; Brooklyn, New York; cholent; chopped liver; czolent; food; gefilte fish; hospitality; Jewish cooking; Jewish culture; Jewish families; Jewish food; Jewish homes; Jewish hospitality; Jewish mothers; New York; New York City; tsholent; tsholnt

52:01 - The Place of Yiddish in Max's Life

Keywords: childhood; dying language; English language; Jewish music; Jewish songs; language transmission; linguistic transmission; multilingual; multilingualism; transmission; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language

53:30 - Max's Relationship With His Father and His Own Experiences as a Father

Keywords: dancing; family; father; fatherhood; Holocaust survivors; Holocaust trauma; interfaith families; intermarriage; Jewish families; Jewish fathers; Jewish identity; Jewish parents; Jewish spirituality; music; raising Jewish families; singing; son; Yiddish music; Yiddish songs; yoga

57:54 - The Making of "The Boys of 2nd Street Park"

Keywords: 2nd Street Park; basketball; Brighton Beach; Brooklyn, New York; Holocaust survivor communities; Holocaust survivors; Holocaust trauma; Jewish childhood; Jewish communal memory; Jewish movies; Jews in popular culture; New York City; The Boys of 2nd Street Park

65:13 - Trauma Within Holocaust Survivor Families and Max's Identity as the Son of Holocaust Survivors

Keywords: American Jews; children of Holocaust survivors; generational differences; Holocaust survivor families; Holocaust survivor parents; Holocaust survivors; Holocaust trauma; intergenerational transmission of knowledge; Jewish families; Jewish parents; transmission of generational knowledge; trauma

70:55 - The Importance of "I Love You" in Yiddish

Keywords: Jewish identity; love; multilingual; multilingualism; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish phrases; Yiddish speaker

72:54 - Max's Advice for His Grandchildren