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0:00 - Introduction 0:45 - Thelma's Family's Immigration to Mexico and the U.S.

Keywords: America; baker; Guadalajara, Mexico; immigration; Mexico; Mexico City, Mexico; migration; peddler; Poland; Polish Jews; Puebla; Russia; Russian Jews; Spanish language; United States; Vercruz; Yiddish language

3:36 - Thelma's Great-Grandfather's Town and Her Family's Last Name

Keywords: ancestry; family background; family history; family stories; genealogy; heritage; historical research; Jewish names; Polish Jews; roots; Wyszków, Poland; Yizkor book

5:42 - Thelma's Grandfather's Personality and Feelings Towards the Old Country

Keywords: family background; family heirlooms; family history; family stories; grandfather; immigration; Jewish features; Jewish identity; migration; Old Country; Polish Jews; poverty; Russian Jews; Yiddish education; Yiddish language; Yiddish teacher

8:29 - Growing Up with Polish, Russian, and Mexican Cuisine

Keywords: combining cultures; culinary traditions; Jewish cuisine; Jewish food; Mexican food; multicultural families; multicultural Jews; multiculturalism; Polish food; Russian food

10:42 - Thelma's Childhood on Francisco Alonso Pinzón Street

Keywords: childhood; Condesa; education; Francisco Alonso Pinzón Street; Jewish homes; Jewish neighborhoods; Jewish ritual; la Colonia del Valle; Mexico City; Polanco; urban Jewry

14:30 - Thelma Describes Her Family's Multilingualism

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; grandmother; multilingual Jews; multilingualism; Old Country; Polish Jews; Polish language; Polish speakers; Russian Jews; Russian language; Russian speakers; Spanish language; Spanish speakers; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers

17:00 - The Importance of Ritual to Thelma and Her Family

Keywords: Acapulco; Bet El; family traditions; Hebrew language; Jewish Boy Scouts; Jewish food; Jewish organizations; Jewish ritual; modesty; Orthodox Jews; Passover; Pesach; peysekh; schul; shul; synagogue; weddings; Yom Kippur; youth committee

22:10 - The Place of Yiddish in Thelma's Childhood Home

Keywords: childhood; Haggadah; hagode; Hebrew language; Jewish ritual; Passover; Pesach; peysekh; Tevye der milkhiker (Tevye the Dairyman); Yiddish language; Yiddish literature; Yiddish music; Yiddish plays; Yiddish songs; Yiddish speakers

24:59 - The Importance of Teaching and Yiddish to Thelma's Mother

Keywords: Hebrew language; mothers; pedagogy; relationship between Yiddish and Hebrew; teachers; Yiddish education; Yiddish in translation; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers

26:41 - The Place of the Yiddish School in Thelma's and Her Family's Lives 28:44 - Thelma's Connection to Hebrew and Her Life on a Kibbutz in Israel 31:25 - The Cultural Differences Between Different Jewish Schools in Mexico City

Keywords: Arab Jews; Ashkenazi Jews; Hebrew language; Jewish education; Mexico; multicultural Jewish communities; Naye Yiddishe Shul; Sephardic Jews; Tarbut; Yavne; Yiddish language

36:17 - Navigating University and Adulthood as a Jew

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; charity; Jewish communities; Jewish identity; Jewish-non-Jewish relations; multiculturalism; politics; religious tolerance; university; volunteering

39:48 - Values Passed on to Thelma from Her Mother 40:56 - Thelma's Use of Yiddish in School and in Her Work as a Translator

Keywords: English language; influences on Yiddish; inventing Yiddish words; synagogue; university; Yiddish in modernity; Yiddish in translation; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers; Yiddish vernacularity

45:39 - The Importance of Translators in Fostering Yiddish Communities Online

Keywords: Arabic language; Ashkenazi identity; creating in Yiddish; English language; Google; intergenerational transmission of knowledge; internet; translation; translators; Yiddish dictionaries; Yiddish education; Yiddish in translation; Yiddish language

52:10 - Thelma's Process as a Yiddish Translator

Keywords: English language; Jewish-non-Jewish relations; Mexico; translation methods; translators; Yiddish education; Yiddish in translation; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers

59:24 - Thelma's Advice for Other Yiddish Translators

Keywords: collaboration; Yiddish dictionary; Yiddish in modernity; Yiddish in translation; Yiddish language; Yiddish speakers
