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0:00 - Introduction 0:17 - The Story of How Gabi and Uwe First Met

Keywords: 1940s; 2000s; Auschwitz concentration camp; Café Singer; Casimiria; Cracow; dating; family history; Festiwal Kultury Żydowskiej; genealogical research; grandfather; Holocaust; Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow; Jewish-non-Jewish relations; Kasimir; Kazimierz, Poland; Krako; Krakow; Kraków, Poland; Kuzmir; marriage; Nazi; Polish Jewry; Polish Jews; relationships; romance; SS officer; writers

3:33 - Gabi and Uwe Describe the Early Days of Their Relationship

Keywords: Cracow; dating; family history; German language; Holocaust; Istria, Croatia; Jewish-non-Jewish relations; journalist; Krako; Krakow; Kraków, Poland; Leipzig, Germany; Nazi; relationships; romance; SS officer; World War 2; World War II; writer; WW2; WWII

5:22 - Researching and Writing "Gabi i Uwe (Gabi and Uwe)" Together

Keywords: "Gabi i Uwe"; 1980s; Auschwitz concentration camp; Casimiria; Cracow; family history; Galicia; Galician Jewry; Galician Jews; genealogical research; genocide; Holocaust; Holocaust trauma; identity; immigration; Jewish-non-Jewish relations; Kasimir; Kazimierz, Poland; Krako; Krakow; Kraków, Poland; Kuzmir; migration; mixed families; Nazi; SS officer; writers; Yiddish language

10:31 - Uwe and Gabi's Work on "Boris Dorfman: A Mentsh"

Keywords: "Boris Dorfman: A Mentsh"; film; filmmaking; fundraising; journalist; movie; writers; Yiddish culture; Yiddish film; Yiddish language; Yiddish speaker

12:07 - Uwe and Gabi's Work Together on "Es Brennt (It Burns)"

Keywords: "Es Brennt"; "Yiddish in Tel Aviv"; 1870s; 1940s; 2010s; genocide; Holocaust; identity; memorialization; Mordechai Birtik; Mordechai Gebirtig; Mordkhe Birtik; Mordkhe Gebirtig; musical; Poland; Polish Jewry; Polish Jews; Polish language; Rivne; Rivnja; Rovnah; Rovneh; Rovno; Rowne; Ròwne, Ukraine; Russian Jewry; Russian Jews; State of Israel; Yiddish culture; Yiddish film; Yiddish folk music; Yiddish language; Yiddish literature; Yiddish music; Yiddish poetry; Yiddish songs; Yiddish speaker; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Zuzanna Ginczanka; Zuzanna Ginzburg
