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0:00 - Introduction 0:40 - Irwin's Family Background

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; aunts; Brazil; Bundism; Bundists; chedar; cheder; Der Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeter Bund in Lite, Poyln, un Rusland; father; grandfathers; grandparents; Ha-Shomer ha-Tsa'ir; Hashomer Hatsair; Hashomer Hatzair; Hebrew school; heder; kheyder; Krasnosielc, Poland; mother; Orthodox Jews; Orthodox Judaism; parents; Russia; socialism; socialists; traditional religious school; uncles; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII; Zionism; Zionist socialist youth movement; Zionists

6:49 - Irwin Remembers His Early Childhood

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; aunts; Belarus; Binkent; Chachkent; collective farming; communism; communists; Dzhadzh; F.D.R.; factory; father; FDR; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Franklin Roosevelt; Hebrew language; Joseph Stalin; Khar'kov; Kharkiv, Ukraine; Kharkov; mother; Nazis; parents; Poland; Polish language; refugees; Russia; Russian language; school; Shashkent; siblings; sister; Soviet Union; Taschkent; Tashkend; Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Taskent; Taškent; Toshkent; U.S.S.R.; USSR; Winston Churchill; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII; Yiddish language

20:48 - Irwin's Childhood Memories of the Post-World War II Period

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; aunts; Breslau; Cuba; extended family; father; France; Germany; Holocaust; Holocaust survivors; immigrants; immigration; Lodz; Lodzsh; mother; parents; Poland; refugees; Russia; Shoah; uncles; World War 2; World War II; Wroclaw; Wrocław, Poland; WW2; WWII; Łódź, Poland

24:38 - Irwin Talks about Living in Displaced Persons Camps

Keywords: Aliyat Hano'ar; Aliyat Hanoar; Ashkenazi Jews; Ashkenazim; Austria; Betar; chedar; cheder; children; concentration camps; Cuba; Czech Republic; Czechia; Czechoslovakia; D.P. camps; Dachau; Displaced persons camps; DP camps; English language; father; France; Germany; Ha-Shomer ha-Tsa'ir; Hashomer Hatsair; Hashomer Hatzair; Hebrew language; Hebrew school; heder; Holocaust survivors; immigrants; immigration; Israel; Jewish culture; Jewish identity; kheyder; khurbm; khurbn; Mandatory Palestine; mother; Munich, Germany; Nazis; parents; Poland; police officers; rabbis; refugees; Revisionist Zionist youth movement; revisionist Zionists; schools; Shoah; siblings; sister; Slovakia; traditional religious school; Ulm, Germany; wife; Yiddish language; Youth Aliyah; Zionism; Zionist socialist youth movement; Zionists

34:50 - Irwin Talks about Living in Havana, Cuba

Keywords: aunts; Brooklyn, New York City, New York; cousins; Cuba; father; France; Havana, Cuba; high school; Holocaust survivors; immigrants; immigration; khurbm; khurbn; parents; refugees; school; Shoah; siblings; sister; Spanish language; uncles

39:18 - Irwin's First Impressions of the United States

Keywords: Brooklyn, New York City, New York; concentration camps; crematoria; father; Havana, Cuba; high school; Hoboken, New Jersey; Holocaust; immigrants; immigration; Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952; immigration quotas; khurbm; khurbn; McCarran Walter Act; McCarran-Walter Act; Miami, Florida; New York City, New York; parents; Pat McCarran; Paterson, New Jersey; Patric McCarran; refugees; Shoah; siblings; sister; step mother; step-mother; visas

44:39 - Irwin Remembers Living in New York City

Keywords: assimilation; Barbra Streisand; Brooklyn, New York City, New York; congregation; English language; Erasmus Hall High School; father; Francisco Franco; fraternal organizations; Hebrew language; high school; immigrants; immigration; Israel; Jewish community; Jewish identity; Jewish observance; Jewish religion; Judaism; kaddish; kadesh; Knights of Pythias; Menasha Skulnik; mother; parents; radio stations; refugees; schul; secular Jews; secular Judaism; shul; siblings; sisters; Spanish language; step mother; step sister; step-mother; step-sister; synagogue; temple; WEVD; wife; Yiddish langauge; yisker; yizkor

55:46 - Irwin Talks about His Aunt and Uncle

Keywords: assimilation; aunt; Brazil; Bundism; Bundists; children; Der Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeter Bund in Lite, Poyln, un Rusland; father; Israel; mother; parents; patriotism; socialism; socialists; step mother; step-mother; uncle; values; wife; Yiddish language; Zionism

60:55 - Irwin Talks about His Mathematics Career and the Math for America Program

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; assimilation; Cambridge, Massachusetts; children; college; Columbia University; conscription; doctorate; education; father; graduate school; Hillel; Jim Simons; Manhattan, New York City, New York; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Math for America; mathematics; military draft; MIT; parents; Ph.D.; PhD; professor; research; State University of New York at Stony Brook; Stony Brook University; Stony Brook, New York; SUNY Stony Brook; teachers; teaching; U.S. Army; United States Army; university; US Army; wife

67:53 - Irwin Reflects upon His Jewish Identity

Keywords: anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Ashkenazi Jews; Ashkenazim; Bryna Kra; children; daughters; father; grandchildren; great grandmother; great grandparents; great-grandmother; great-grandparents; Holocaust survivors; I.B. Singer; immigrants; immigration; Isaac Bashevis Singer; Israel; Itskhok Bashevis Zinger; Jewish identity; Jewish observance; Jewish religion; Judaism; khurbm; khurbn; parents; Poland; secular Jews; secular Judaism; Shoah; sons; wife; Yiddish authors; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish writers; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt

76:20 - Values Irwin Would like to Pass To the Next Generation

Keywords: acceptance; American Jewish World Service; assimilation; Bryna Kra; charity; Chicago, Illinois; children; daughter; grandchildren; grandsons; Hebrew Immigrant Aid Societ; HIAS; Israel; Jewish identity; Jewish observance; Jewish religion; Judaism; justice; Ruth Messinger; secular Jews; secular Judaism; values; Yiddish language

80:30 - Irwin's Thoughts on Yiddishkayt Today

Keywords: bar mitsve; bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; Chava Alberstein; chedar; cheder; grandchildren; Hava Albershtain; Ḥava Albershṭain; Hava Alberstein; Hebrew language; Hebrew school; heder; I.B. Singer; Isaac Bashevis Singer; Isidor Belarsky; Israel; Israel Mosieevitch Lifschitz; Itskhok Bashevis Zinger; kheyder; Sidor Belarsky; traditional religious school; Yiddish authors; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish writers; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt

83:35 - Concluding Thoughts

Keywords: "Mirele"; academia; Chava Alberstein; education; Hava Albershtain; Ḥava Albershṭain; Hava Alberstein; Isidor Belarsky; Israel Mosieevitch Lifschitz; mathamatics; mathematicians; Polish language; Sidor Belarsky; wife; Yiddish language; Yiddish songs
