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0:00 - Introduction 0:33 - Minna's Family's European Background and Immigration to America

Keywords: acting; actor; American English; ancestors; Ashkenazi Jews; Ashkenazim; businessman; David Baratz; Eastern European Jews; education; emigration; English language; father; grandmother; great-grandfather; great-grandparents; handeler; Hungary; Iasi; Iași, Romania; immigration; Jassy; mother; multilingual; negotiator; orthodox Jews; Orthodox Judaism; polyglot; relatives; shtetel; shtetl; small town; tinsmith; yeshibah; yeshiva; yeshivah; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

5:15 - How Minna's Grandfather Became Involved in Yiddish Theater

Keywords: "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"; acting; ancestors; Argentina; Ashkenazi Jews; Ashkenazim; aunts; bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; Ben Franklin; Benjamin Franklin; Bores Thomashefsky; Boris Thomashefski; Boris Thomashefsky; Boris Thomashevski; Brasilia; Brasília, Brazil; Celia Adler; corkscrew; David Baratz; Diaspora; education; father; Germany; grandson; great-aunts; great-grandfather; mother; National Theater; National Theatre, Philadelphia; New York City, New York; Pennsy Hospital, Philadelphia; Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; post-traumatic stress disorder; posttraumatic stress disorder; psychologist; psychology; PTSD; The Public Theater; traveling; uncles; World War 1; World War I; WW1; WWI; Yiddish culture; Yiddish literature; Yiddish music; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

13:02 - Minna’s Grandfather’s Best-Known Roles

Keywords: "Der Dibuk"; "King Lear"; "The Dybbuk"; "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"; acting; actor; Americanization; Ashkenazi Jews; Ashkenazim; assimilation; Bertha Baratz; Billy Sands; David Baratz; Eastern European Jews; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; HAU; Hebrew Actors' Union; Jewish comedians; Jewish observance; Marty Baratz; Muni Weisenfreund; Olcott Hotel, New York City; Paul Muni; Phil Silvers; Poland; relatives; secularism; Shalom Aleichem; Shalom Rabinovitz; Sholem Aleichem; Sholem Aleykhem; Sholem Rabinovich; Sholem Rabinovitch; Sholem Rabinovitsh; Sholom Rabino; Terebovlia, Ukraine; Terebovlya; Trebovlah; Trembowla; uncle; William Shakespeare; Yiddish language; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

16:02 - Minna Talks about Her Grandmother, Food, and Jewish Identity

Keywords: America; ancestors; ancestry; assimilation; Bertha Baratz; culture contact; Eastern Europe; food culture; France; grandparents; heritage; Hungarian food; husband; Iasi; Iași, Romania; Jassy; Jewish food; kashres; kashrus; kashrut; kashruth; kosher; professors; Romanian food; sabbatical; shtetel; shtetl; small village; socialism; socialists; Temesvár; Timisoara; Timișoara, Romania; travel; U.S.; United States; US

18:29 - Minna's Travels to Eastern Europe With Her Husband in the 1970s

Keywords: 1960s; 1970s; chemistry; czars; Czech Republic; Czechoslovakia; dancing; doctorate; Dubrovnik, Croatia; fascism; folk music; French language; German language; grandparents; Holocaust; Hungary; husband; Iron Curtain; National Folk Dance Ensemble of Croatia LADO; Nicolae Ceausescu; Nicolae Ceaușescu; oppression; Ph.D.; PhD; Pinkas Synagogue, Prague; police; Prague, Czech Republic; psychology; Romania; Shoah; shtetel; shtetl; Slovakia; socialist states; Soviet Union; State University of New York; SUNY; Theresienstadt Camp; Theresienstadt Ghetto; Tito; tsars; USSR; Yugoslavia

24:38 - Minna Recalls Her Grandmother's Memories of Pogroms

Keywords: American South; anti-Semitism; Bertha Baratz; Budapest, Hungary; Cossacks; czar; David Baratz; great-grandfather; Long Island, New York; lynching; memories; Nassau County, New York; Oceanside, New York; pogroms; poverty; relatives; social justice; Southern United States; suburbia; tzar; Yiddish language

28:40 - Minna's Exposure to Yiddish Growing Up

Keywords: "Forverts"; "The Forward"; "The Jewish Daily Forward"; "The Yiddish Daily Forward"; Ashkenazi culture; David Baratz; Eastern European Jewish culture; father; German language; Hebrew language; Lazarus Baratz; Leslie Barrett; Marty Baratz; mother; name changes; New York University; NYU; obituary; public school; uncle; White Anglo-Saxon Protestants; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII; Yiddish language; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

31:56 - The Influence of Yiddish Theater on Minna’s Life

Keywords: "High Button Shoes"; academia; academic; acting; actor; aunt; Bertha Baratz; Billy Sands; Bob Hope; Borscht Belt comedians; Broadway theater; Brown's Hotel; Buddy Hackett; Catskill Mountains, New York; Catskill Resorts; Catskills; Chicago Theatre; Chicago, Illinois; childlessness; Cindy Adams; comedy; Concord Resort Hotel; Goldie Eisman; Joey Adams; Joey Bishop; jokes; Marty Baratz; Marty Barrett; military uniform; Molly Picon; Morey Amsterdam; Muni Weisenfreund; National Theatre, New York City; nephews; New York City, New York; nieces; Paul Muni; Phil Silvers; piano; professor; Second Avenue Theatre, New York City; State University of New York at Old Westbury; summer stock theater; SUNY Old Westbury; tap dance; tap dancing; The Public Theater, New York City; touring; uncle; understudy; United Service Organizations; USO tours; vaudeville; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

39:15 - Minna Describes Her Father’s Bar and the People Who Would Visit

Keywords: "The New York Times"; acting community; Al Hirschfeld; bar; Bertha Baratz; birthday party; Cindy Adams; cousin; family relations; family rifts; family schisms; father; gay community; Greenwich Village, New York City; Joey Adams; LGBTQ community; Madison Square Garden; Main Street Cafe; Nina Hirschfeld West; pub; Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus; Rocky Graziano; Rocky Marciano; Salvador Dali; Salvador Dalí; Stonewall Riots; tavern; theater community; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

44:23 - Minna’s Reactions to the Yiddish Theater Exhibit at the Museum of the City of New York

Keywords: acculturation; Americanization; assimilation; aunts; autobiography; cultural heritage; culture; David Baratz; diversity; exhibit; father; grandfather; Gulla language; Haitian Creole; history; immigrants; immigration; Jewish Public Theater; mother; Museum of the City of New York; parents; private education; public education; roots; shtetel; slavery; slaves; small town; The Public Theater; uncles; Yiddish Book Center; Yiddish language; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

48:21 - The Role of Yiddish in Minna’s Life

Keywords: ancestry; children; comedians; communication; cousins; cultural experience; daughter; diamond broker; diamond exchange; discrimination; Eastern Europe; father; fluency; German language; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; Hebrew language; heritage; Jewish history; jokes; landslayt; landsleit; landsmen; language; mother; prejudice; survival; Yiddish language; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre
