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0:00 - Introduction 0:39 - Rick Discusses His Grandparents' Backgrounds

Keywords: Austria-Hungary; Austro-Hungarian Empire; Broadway theater; Budapest, Hungary; Fannie Ader; Fannie Grossman; grandparents; immigrants; immigration; New York City, New York; Samuel B. Grossman; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

3:13 - Rick Remembers His Grandparents

Keywords: acting; actor; aunt; Carl Laemmle; Catskill Mountains; Catskill Resorts; Catskills; cousin; David Kessler; directing; director; entertainers; Fanny Grossman; George M. Cohan; Haggadah; Hebrew language; Jacob Adler; Los Angeles, California; marriage; Maurice Schwartz; motion picture company; motion picture studio; Muni Weisenfreund; music; New York City, New York; nickelodeon; Passover; Paul Muni; Pesach; peysekh; plays; playwright; poems; poetry; producer; producing; real estate broker; recordings; Samuel B. Grossman; seamstress; seders; singing; sister; tailor; theater; theatrical agent; Universal Pictures; Universal Studios; vaudeville; walking stick; wardrobe mistress; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

16:24 - Rick Describes His Grandparents' Involvement in Yiddish Theater

Keywords: Abraham Goldfaden; acting; aunt; Avrom Goldfadn; Boston, Massachusetts; box office; Chicago, Illinois; costumes; Fanny Grossman; Jacob Adler; Los Angeles, California; New York City, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; producers; producing; Reinhart-Grossman Star Company; Samuel B. Grossman; San Francisco, California; theater lighting; theater scenery; uncle; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

20:52 - Rick Discusses His Family's Involvement in Yiddish Theater in the United States

Keywords: Adler family; aunt; Berel Bernardi; Bernardi family; Bessie Jacobson; Bores Thomashefsky; Boris Thomashefski; Boris Thomashefsky; Boris Thomashevski; Chicago, Illinois; Fiddler on the Roof; Grand Street Theatre; Grand Theatre; Helen Bernardi; Henrietta Jacobson; Herschel Bernardi; Hy Jacobson; Hymie Jacobson; Irving Grossman; Irving Jacobson; Itzhak Leyb Grossman; Jacobson family; Joe Jacobson; Luther Adler; Maurice Schwartz; music; New York City, New York; singer; singing; Stella Adler; uncle; Yiddish Art Theatre; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Yitschak Leyb Grossman; Zorba

28:03 - Rick's Parents' Involvement in New York City Yiddish Theater

Keywords: actor; actress; Broadway; comedian; comedienne; comedy; dancer; dancing; Diana Goldberg; Dina Goldberg; Europe; film; grandmother; Harlem, New York City, New York; interwar period; Irving Grossman; Itzhak Leyb Grossman; Jacob Jacobs; Jacob Kalich; Lenox Theatre; Molly Picon; movies; Nathan Goldberg; New York City, New York; plays; singer; singing; South America; stage mother; tenor voice; Yankev Kalach; Yankl Kalich; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Yitschak Leyb Grossman

31:57 - Generational Shifts in New York City Jewish Theater

Keywords: 2nd Avenue Theatre; Abraham Goldfaden; Avrom Goldfadn; Avrom Goldfodem; Bruce Adler; Diana Goldberg; Dina Goldberg; Fanny Grossman; Henrietta Jacobson; Irving Grossman; Irving Jacobson; Itzhak Leyb Grossman; Jacob Gordin; Julius Adler; Mae Schoenfeld; National Theatre; New York City, New York; Samuel Adler; Samuel B. Grossman; Second Avenue Theatre; shtetel; shtetl; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Yiddish-American musicals; Yitschak Leyb Grossman

35:07 - Rick Shares His Memories of Working with Several Yiddish Theater Actors

Keywords: "Man of La Mancha"; "Milk and Honey"; acting; actor; actors; actresses; Broadway; comedians; comediennes; comedy; Diana Goldberg; Dina Goldberg; fir kashes; Four Questions; Haggadah; hagode; Irving Jacobson; Itzhak Leyb Grossman; Jacob Kalich; Jerry Herman; Menasha Skulnik; Molly Picon; Passover; Pesach; peysekh; plays; Sancho Panza; seder; television; tv; understudies; understudy; Yankev Kalach; Yankl Kalich; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Yitschak Leyb Grossman

40:10 - Rick Remembers Watching His Parents Perform

Keywords: "Lozt mikh leybn (Let Me Live)"; "Night of Stars"; "Sing, Israel, Sing"; benefit concerts; cabaret acts; Catskill Honeymoon; Catskill Mountains, New York; Catskill Resorts; Catskills; Diana Goldberg; Dina Goldberg; European Jews; Florida; Holocaust; Hy Jacobson; Hymie Jacobson; Irving Grossman; Israel; Israeli bonds; Itzhak Leyb Grossman; Jewish people; Madison Square Garden (1925); music; New York City, New York; nightclub acts; Shoah; Supreme Court; vaudeville acts; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Yitschak Leyb Grossman

45:22 - Rick Talks About His Family Life

Keywords: 2nd Avenue Theatre; acting; actor; birthday; Catskill Mountains, New York; Catskill Resorts; Catskills; Copacabana nightclub; Diana Goldberg; Dina Goldberg; Irving Grossman; Itzhak Leyb Grossman; Jimmy Durante; Mae Jacobson; Manhattan, New York; Miami Beach, Florida; nanny; Riverside Park; Second Avenue Theatre; sister; sports; travel; winter; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Yitschak Leyb Grossman

49:13 - Rick Discusses His Family's Connections to Jewish Culture and Observance

Keywords: acting; arts; bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; English language; entertainment; grandmother; Jewish authors; Jewish holidays; Jewish identity; Jewish literature; Orthodox Judaism; Passover; Pesach; peysekh; phonetic spelling; religious observance; sabbath; schul; Shabbat; shabes; Shabos; shul; singing; synagogue; television; temple; tv; Upper West Side, Manhattan; Yiddish language; Yiddish profanity; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

55:31 - Memories of Being a Child Actor in the Yiddish Theater

Keywords: "Bay mir bist sheyn (To Me You Are Beautiful)"; "My Boy"; "Wish Me Luck"; 2nd Avenue Theatre; Aaron Lebedeff; acting; actor; Broadway theater; Brooklyn, New York City, New York; Bruce Adler; Catskill Mountains, New York; Catskill Resorts; Catskills; child actors; children; dancing; Diana Goldberg; Dina Goldberg; Facebook; films; Florida; Hopkinson Theatre; Irving Grossman; Itzhak Leyb Grossman; Jacob Jacobs; Jenny Goldstein; Joseph Rumshinsky; Marilyn Michaels; Marilyn Sternberg; Max Bozyk; Melanie Mintz; Menasha Skulnik; Michael Burstein; Michael Sternberg; Mike Burstein; Miriam Kressyn; Molly Picon; movies; Parkway Theatre; regional theater; Reizl Bozyk; Rolland Theatre; Rose Bozyk; Second Avenue Theatre; Seymour Rechtzeit; Seymour Rexite; Sholom Secunda; singing; sons; Stella Adler; Suzanne Bozyk; Suzy Burstein; Thelma Mintz; vaudeville; William Siegel; Yiddish Anderson Theater; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Yitschak Leyb Grossman

65:03 - Rick Talks About Working with Menasha Skulnik and Stella Adler

Keywords: "The Fifth Season"; acting; actor; Broadway theater; comedy; drama; Menasha Skulnik; mentor; mentorship; Molly Picon; Stella Adler; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

67:34 - The Role of Yiddish Theater in Shaping Rick's Identity

Keywords: "Fiddler on the Roof"; "Lozt mikh leybn (Let Me Live)"; actor; childhood; chorus; comedian; Diana Goldberg; Dina Goldberg; film; Holocaust; Hy Jacobson; Hymie Jacobson; Irving Grossman; Itzhak Leyb Grossman; Jerome Rabinowitz; Jerome Robbins; Jewish culture; Jewish identity; Joseph Buloff; Menasha Skulnik; Molly Picon; movies; Shoah; television; tv; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Yitschak Leyb Grossman; Yosef Bulov

71:21 - Rick Discusses How Yiddish Theater Has Changed Over the Years

Keywords: 1950s; 1960s; assimilation; Ben Bonus; Folksbiene Yiddish Theatre; generational gaps; grandparents; heritage; Holocaust; Holocaust survivors; Jewish culture; Joseph Buloff; Menukhe Bernholts; Mina Bern; National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene; revivals; Shoah; shtetel; shtetl; Wexler Oral History Project; Yiddish Artists and Friends Actors Club; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Yiddish Theatrical Alliance; Yosef Bulov

75:12 - Conclusion