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0:00 - Introduction 0:39 - Selwyn Talks about His Grandfather, Actor Jacob Adler

Keywords: acting; actors; Celia Adler; grandfather; grandparents; immigrants; immigration; Jacob Adler; mother; parents; Russia; singers; singing; Y. Adler; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

4:35 - Selwyn Talks about His Mother, Actor Celia Adler

Keywords: acting; actors; babysitter; Celia Adler; grandmother; grandparents; mother; nanny; nurse; parents; singers; singing; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

9:23 - Selwyn Talks about His Childhood with His Mother

Keywords: acting; actors; Celia Adler; chedar; cheder; divorce; father; Hebrew school; heder; kheyder; Lazar Freed; mother; New York City, New York; parents; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; school; touring; tours; traditional religious school; Yiddish language; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

16:56 - Selwyn Describes His Mother's Appearance 20:21 - Selwyn Talks about His Parents' Relationship

Keywords: acting; actors; Celia Adler; father; immigrants; immigration; Lazar Freed; Maurice Schwartz; mother; parents; Russia; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

24:30 - Selwyn Talks about His Early Adulthood 32:28 - More about Selwyn's Mother, Celia Adler 35:56 - Lillie and Lugwig Satz, Selwyn's Aunt and Uncle

Keywords: acting; actors; aunt; Austria; Celia Adler; cousins; divorce; father; fortune teller; grandmother; grandparents; Lazar Freed; Lillie Satz; Ludwig Satz; mother; parents; school; soubrette

47:05 - Selwyn Talks about His Father, the Actor Lazar Freed

Keywords: "Yoshe Kalb"; acting; actors; father; Lazar Freed; Maurice Schwartz; parents; singers; singing; Yiddish Art Theatre; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre
