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0:00 - Introduction 0:49 - Patrycja's Family Background

Keywords: 1980s; Belarus; childhood; Ciechanowiec; discovering Jewish roots; divorce; estate; family background; father; grandparents; hiding Jewish origins; Holocaust; Israel; Jewish background; Jewish family; Jewish patrilineal descent; Kapčiamiestis; Kopciowo; Lithuania; Lodz; manufacturing plant; mother; non-Jewish husband; Poland; teacher; U.S.; United States; Varshah; Varshava; Warsaw; wealth; Łódź

11:32 - Patrycja's Experience Growing Up in Communist Poland

Keywords: 1968; 1970s; 1980s; academics; anti-communism; biophysics; Boston, MA; Canada; communist Poland; family; family graves; family heritage; family tradition; grandparents; hardship; Holocaust; immigration; Israel; Jewish cemetery; Lodz; Massachusetts; milicja; militarized police force; moving back to Poland; opposition; persecution; place of birth; Poland; Polish identity; Polish-Jewish identity; postdoctoral fellowship; return to Poland; Russia; scientist; strong connection to Poland; U.S.; United States; Varshah; Varshava; Warsaw; Łódź, Poland

19:00 - Patrycja's Grandparents and Their Love of Bridge

Keywords: bridge card game; coach; Eastern European Jews; grandparents; gymnastics; Jewish Committee in Poland; Jewish culture; Lithuania; Lodz; Olympic champion; Poland; Russia; sports; stereotypes of Jews; twins; Łódź

24:29 - Patrycja's Educational Background and Social Activism

Keywords: art; artist; artistic projects; biology; Breslau, Poland; children; creativity; cultural journalism; cultural journalist; doctorate; feminism; foundation; freedom; fundacja MaMa; high school; Jewish identity; mother; motherhood; performance; PhD; photography; science journalism; science journalist; scientist; social activism; social justice; university; women; Wroclaw; Wrocław, Poland

29:39 - Asking Difficult Questions About Family History and Jewish Identity

Keywords: archives; children of the Holocaust; discovering Jewish identity; discovering Jewish roots; exhibition; exposing Jewish identity; family history; father; father daughter relationship; fear; heritage; Holocaust; Jewish Community of Wroclaw; Jewish identity; Jewish roots; Kryjówka; performance; Polish-Jewish family; Polish-Jewish history; Polish-Jewish identity; recording stories; The Hideout; third generation after the Holocaust

41:51 - Patrycja Discusses the Current Political Situation in Poland

Keywords: acceptance; anti-Semitism; antisemitism; children; future; intergenerational transmission of fear; intergenerational trauma; parents; Poland; political change; political situation; safety

44:50 - Patrycja's Artistic Cooperation with Pawel Passini

Keywords: artistic cooperation; Belarus; children of the Holocaust; children's game; friendship; ghetto; Irena Solska; Jewish Community; Jewish family history; Jewish identity; Jewish mother; Jewish theater; Jewish theatre; Judy Turan; Kryjówka; Matki; Muranów; oral history; Pawel Passini; Paweł Passini; Poland; Polish theatre director; Polish-Jewish identity; secular Jews; skyscope; testimony; The Hideout; The Mothers; unspoken stories; Varshah; Varshava; Warsaw; Widoczki

54:45 - Patrycja's Jewish Identity and Her Attitude Towards Judaism

Keywords: candles; Christian holidays; Easter; family meetings; family traditions; Jewish art; Jewish calendar; Jewish culture; Jewish customs; Jewish day school; Jewish food; Jewish holidays; Jewish identity; Jewish literature; Jewish stories; Jewish theater; Jewish theatre; Jewish traditions; Judaism; Lauder – Morasha School; Lodz; non-observant Jew; rabbi; son; synagogue; synagogue member; Varshah; Varshava; Warsaw, Poland; Łódź, Poland

60:40 - Patrycja's Connection to the Hebrew Language

Keywords: family in Israel; family meetings; Hebrew flashcards; Hebrew language; husband; Jewish day school; language learning; Lauder – Morasha School; school; son

62:23 - Patrycja's Connection to the Yiddish Language

Keywords: English language; Fiddler on the Roof; French language; German language; grandparents; Hebrew language; Holocaust; husband; Isaac Bashevis Singer; Jewish books; Jewish theater; Jewish theatre; language learning; multilingualism; Poland; Polish language; prewar family; Russian language; workshops; Yiddish art; Yiddish language; Yiddish native speakers; Yiddish revival; Yiddish words

71:21 - Patrycja Talks About Her Artistic Performances

Keywords: Adam Mickiewicz; Brest, Belarus; Dziady. Twierdza Brześć.; Dziady.Twierdza Brzesc.; legend; Pawel Passini; Paweł Passini; performance; queen of the Poles; Wanda

72:24 - Patrycja's Foundation "Fundacja MaMa" and Social and Feminist Activism

Keywords: 1990s; change; children; consciousness; feminism; feminism in Poland; feminist; feminist activist; foundation; Fundacja MaMa; heritage; Jewish identity; Jewish way of thinking; mother; mother-child relationship; motherhood; open discussion; Poland; public sphere; social activism; social activist; social matters; success; women; work life balance

80:13 - Patrycja's Favorite Yiddish Song

Keywords: favorite Yiddish song; Kryjówka; lullaby; mother children relationship; Oyfn Veg Shteyt a Boym; The Hideout; Yiddish words

82:18 - Patrycja's Advice to Those Watching

Keywords: advice; art; building relationships; creating relationships; good listener; listening; listening skills; relationships with other people
