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0:00 - Introduction 0:36 - Arnold Describes Life for His Family in Białystok, Poland

Keywords: "Jewels and Ashes"; 1900s; 1940s; anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Belostok; Bialystok; Białystok Ghetto; Białystok, Poland; Bolsheviks; Bransk; Brańsk; Braynsk; Bundism; Bundist Jews; Byalistok; Chasidic Jews; Chassidic Jews; Der Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeter Bund in Lite, Poyln, un Rusland; garment industry; genealogical research; Gorodok; Grodek; Gródek; Gródek Jagiełłoński; Hasidic Jews; Hassidic Jews; Haynt; Holocaust; Horodok; intergenerational conflict; Jewish Labor Bund; leftism; leftist Jews; Mensheviks; newsman; newspaper seller; Orl'a; Orla; Orli; Orlia; Orlja; Orlova; Orlovah; Orlowa; Orlya; Polish Jewry; Polish Jews; Russia; Russian Jewry; Russian Jews; Russian Revolution; shtetl; singer; Slonimer sect; socialism; socialist Jews; textile worker; The General Union of Jewish Workers in Lithuania, Poland, and Russia; weaver; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII; Yiddish language; Yiddish music; Yiddish song; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt

6:07 - Arnold Explains the Beliefs and Mission of the Jewish Labor Bund

Keywords: 1890s; 1900s; activism; Australia; Australian Jewry; Australian Jews; Bolsheviks; Bund; Bundism; Bundist Jews; cultural autonomy; Der Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeter Bund in Lite, Poyln, un Rusland; doikayt (Bundist concept of "hereness"); doikeyt; doykayt; idealism; Jewish community; Jewish Labor Bund; Melbourne; Mensheviks; multiculturalism; Narodniks; non-Zionism; non-Zionist Jews; populism; revival of Yiddish; RSDLP; Russian Social Democratic Labor Party; Russian Social Democratic Party; Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party; secular Jews; secularism; social justice; socialism; socialist Jews; The General Union of Jewish Workers in Lithuania, Poland, and Russia; workers' party; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddishism; Yiddishist Jews; Zionism

10:45 - Arnold's Family's Struggle to Escape Poland

Keywords: "Jews and Ashes"; 1930s; 1940s; anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Australia; Bund; deportation; Holocaust; immigration; International Jewish Labor Bund; Melbourne; migration; New Zealand; Poland; Polish Jewry; Polish Jews; refugee; survivor's guilt; Wellington; Yiddish language; Yiddish speaker

13:57 - The Jewish Cultural Organizations in Carlton, Australia

Keywords: "Green Fields"; "Grine Felder"; "The Dybbuk"; "Theory of Dreams"; 1910s; 1920s; 1930s; 1950s; 1960s; Australia; Australian Jewry; Australian Jews; Bialik School; Brunswick; Bundism; Bundist Jews; Carlton; childhood; David Herman Theater; David Herman Theatre; factory worker; Hebrew education; Hebrew language; Holocaust survivors; immigrant; immigrant community; Jacob Waistlitz; Jacob Weislitz; Jewish community; Jewish-non-Jewish relations; Kadimah; library; Melbourne; migrant; multilingualism; Peretz Hirschbein; Poland; Polish Jewry; Polish Jews; Princess Theater; Princess Theatre; Rachel Holzer; religious education; Rokhl Holzer; secular education; Sholem Aleichem Folkshul Sistem; SKIF; Sotsyalistisher Kinder Farband; Talmud Torah; Union of Socialist Children; Yankev Vayslits; Yankev Waislitz; Yiddish culture; Yiddish education; Yiddish language; Yiddish Peretz Shule (secular Yiddish school); Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

21:44 - Arnold Describes His Childhood Neighborhood

Keywords: "The Death of a Salesman"; "The Fighter"; 1950s; 1960s; Australia; Australian identity; author; childhood; communism; communist Jews; gentrification; Holocaust commemoration; immigrant; immigrant community; Jewish community; Jewish identity; Kadimah; migrant; Yiddish culture; Yiddish education; Yiddish language; Yiddish music; Yiddish school; Yiddish speakers; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

28:45 - Arnold's Mother's Passion for Yiddish Music

Keywords: "Der naketer yugnt fun der blotes"; "Jewels and Ashes"; "Play, Romani person"; "Scraps of Heaven"; "Shpil tsigayner"; "Tfile"; "The naked youth from the swamps"; author; Belostok; Bialystok; Białystok; Byalystok; childhood; Gorodok; Grodek; Gródek Jagiełłoński; Gródek, Poland; Holocaust; Holocaust trauma; Horodok; Itsik Fefer; Itsik Manger; Itzik Fefer; Itzik Manger; mental illness; Mordecai Bertig; Mordecai Bertik; Mordechai Gebirtig; Mordkhe Gebirtig; mother; Polish Jewry; Polish Jews; seamstress; singer; survivor's guilt; viglid (lullaby); viglider (lullabies); women's education; World War 1; World War I; WW1; WWI; Yiddish feminism; Yiddish language; Yiddish music; Yiddish songs; Yiddish speaker; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt

36:00 - Arnold Describes His Mother's Personality and Appearance

Keywords: "Kaddish"; actor; actress; Allen Ginsberg; anti-Semitism; antisemitism; Australia; Australian Jewry; Australian Jews; childhood; economic hardship; fashion; immigrant; low income; mental illness; migrant; performer; seamstress; singer; socioeconomic status; tailor; Yiddish language; Yiddish music; Yiddish songs; Yiddish speaker

41:21 - Arnold Describes His Father's Appearance and Personality

Keywords: 1980s; Belostok; Bialystok; Białystok, Poland; Bundism; Bundist Jews; businesss owner; Byalistok; clothing seller; factory worker; father; immigrant; marketnik; Melbourne, Australia; migrant; New Zealand; poet; Polish Jewry; Polish Jews; Yiddish language; Yiddish poetry; Yiddish speaker; Yiddish writer

45:03 - Arnold's Father's Return to Writing Yiddish Poetry

Keywords: "A Beautiful Autumn Day"; "A frayndlekher hant"; "A friendly hand"; "An alte bukh mit lider"; "Der gasn poyker"; "For Each Step"; "The Fig Tree"; "The Street Drummer"; 1910s; anarchism; anarchist Jews; Australia; Australian Jewry; Australian Jews; Carrlton; marriage; Melbourne Chronicle; Moyshe-Leyb Halpern; poet; writer; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish literature; Yiddish poetry; Yiddish writer; Yidishe nayes

52:54 - Arnold's Father's Final Days

Keywords: "Jewels and Ashes"; alter heym (Old Country); author; Belostok; Bialystok; Białystok, Poland; Byalistok; childhood; death; father; poet; Polish Jewry; Polish Jews; Yiddish language; Yiddish poetry

55:08 - Arnold Describes His Father's Habits

Keywords: "Jewels and Ashes"; 1850s; 1950s; 1980s; Australian politics; contests; dating; English language; Holocaust; Holocaust trauma; International Jewish Labor Bund; Labor Party; Literarishe bleter; marriage; multilingualism; poet; Poland; romance; SKIF; socioeconomic status; Sotsyalistisher Kinder Farband; Yiddish books; Yiddish language; Yiddish literature; Yiddish poetry; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Yugnt-veker

63:18 - The Significance of Yiddish in Arnold's Life

Keywords: activist; Australia; Carlton; columnist; human rights advocacy; International Jewish Labor Bund; literature; Manus Island; Nauru; prejudice; refugee activism; writer; Yiddish language; Yiddish literature; Yiddish speaker

65:05 - Arnold's Experiences at the Kadimah Library

Keywords: "Bontshe shvayg"; "Bontshe the silent"; "Brider Ashkenazi"; "Di mishpokhe Karnovski"; "Mister Twister"; "The little red people from Kasrilevke"; "Yoshe Kalb"; 1930s; Charles Dickens; childhood; English language; I. L. Peretz Folk School; I.B. Singer; I.J. Singer; I.L. Peretz; International Jewish Labor Bund; Isaac Bashevis Singer; Isaac Leib Peretz; Israel Joshua Singer; Itsik Manger; Itskhok Bashevis Zinger; Itzik Bashevis Singer; Itzik Manger; Joseph Giligich; Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre & National Library; Kadimah Library; library; Melech Ravitch; Moshe Leib Halpern; Moyshe Leyb Halpern; Moyshe-Leyb Halpern; multilingualism; Peretz Shule; Romek Mokotow; Ruth Bergner; Shalom Rabinovitz; Sholem Aleichem; Sholem Aleykhem; Sholem Rabinovitsh; Sholom Rabino; SKIF; socialism; socialist Jews; Sotsyalistisher Kinder Farband; writer; Yankev Dinezon; Yiddish books; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish literature; Yitzkhok Leybush Peretz; Yosl Bergner; Yoysef Giligitsh; “Di royte mentshelekh fun kasrilevke"

71:21 - Arnold's Initial Educational and Professional Pursuits

Keywords: "Nigun"; 1970s; 1980s; 1990s; Asia; careers; China; Columbia University; creative writing; doctorate; Fay Mokotow; graduate education; history; immigrant; immigration; India; International Jewish Labor Bund; Klezmania; Margaret Mead; master's degree; Melbourne; Melbourne University; Michael Gawenda; migrant; migration; Moyshe Broderzon; New York City; Oceania; Pacific Ocean; Papua New Guinea; PhD; politics; Shalom Aleichem; Shalom Rabinovitz; Sholem Aleichem; Sholem Aleykhem; Sholem Rabinovitsh; Sholom Rabino; undergraduate education; writer; Yiddish language; Yiddish literature; Yiddish revival; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt

78:07 - Arnold's Activism with Asylum Seekers

Keywords: "Kan Yama Kan"; "Once Upon a Time"; 1950s; 2000s; Arabic language; asylee; asylum; asylum seeker; Canberra; community theater; community theatre; death; fundraising; Jordan; Melbourne; Michael Aboujundi; mourning; oppression; playwriter; playwriting; Syria; Woomera detention center; Woomera Immigration Reception and Processing Centre; writer; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

80:19 - Arnold Compares Current Refugee Crises and Past Jewish Refugee Experiences

Keywords: "Between Sky and Sea"; "Compatriots"; "Landslayt"; "Landsleit"; "Tsvishn himl un yam"; 1930s; 1940s; 2000s; asylee; asylum seeker; Australia; author; Daesh; English language; Herz Bergner; immigrant; immigration; IS; ISIL; ISIS; Islamic State; Islamic State of Iraq and Syria; Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant; Melbourne; Melech Ravitch; Meylekh Ravitch; migrant; migration; MS St. Louis; Palmyra; Phineas Goldhar; Phinehas Goldhar; Pinchas Goldhar; Pinḥas Goldhar; Pinḥes Goldhar; refugee; shtetel; shtetl; SIEV X; SKIF; Sotsyalistisher Kinder Farband; Suspected Illegal Entry Vessel X; Syria; universality; war trauma; writer; Yiddish in translation; Yiddish language; Yiddishkayt; Yiddishkeit; yidishkayt; yidishkeyt; Zekharye Khone Bergner

87:25 - Arnold Talks About His Work with Aboriginal Australians

Keywords: "Jewels and Ashes"; 1990s; Aboriginal Australians; Australia; author; Bunurong; future of Yiddish; indigenous languages; Kulin Federation; language retrieval; language revival; Melbourne; native languages; writer; Wurundjeri; Yiddish language; Yiddish revival; “Café Scheherazade”

91:01 - Arnold Tells the Story of Taking Shane Baker to the Former Kadimah Location

Keywords: "God of Vengeance"; "Got fun nekome"; "The Dybbuk"; 1920s; 1960s; Aeolian Society; Carlton; Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre & National Library; Kadimah Library; La Mama Theater; La Mama Theatre; Shane Baker; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre
