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0:00 - Introduction 0:39 - Susan's Description of Her Grandfather, Solomon Simon

Keywords: dentist; Eastern Europe; granddaughter; grandfather; Shloyme Simon; Solomon Simon; zaidie; zayde; zaydie; zeyde (grandfather); zeydie

2:09 - Solomon Simon's Physical Appearance 3:24 - Susan's Memories of Seders at Solomon Simon's Home

Keywords: English language; family; granddaughter; grandfather; haggadah; Hebrew language; multilingualism; Passover; Pesach; Peysekh; seder; Shloyme Simon; Solomon Simon; Yiddish language

5:45 - Solomon Simon's Early Life

Keywords: ancestry; biography; David Simon; family; family background; family history; grandfather; heritage; Israel; multilingualism; roots; Russia; Russian Army; Shloyme Simon; Solomon Simon

7:43 - Susan Discusses Solomon Simon's Children's Books

Keywords: author; children's literature; granddaughter; grandfather; legacy; royalty checks; Shloyme Simon; Shmerl Nar; short stories; Solomon Simon; The Wise Men of Chelm; writer

11:26 - Susan's Memories of Her Grandmother, Lena Fisher

Keywords: baker; baking; blintzes; bobe (granddaughter); brisket; bubbie; childhood; Christmas; English language; Florida; granddaughter; grandmother; Hebrew language; honey cake; Jewish food; Lena Fisher; multilingualism; nursing home; old age; reader; reading; Russian language; sexism; sponge cake; Yiddish language

17:08 - Susan's Relationship to Yiddish Growing Up

Keywords: bas mitzvah; bas-mitsve; bat mitzvah; childhood; immigration; migration; Sholem Aleichem Folkshul; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language

18:52 - Susan's Experiences at Camp Boiberik

Keywords: bobe; bubbie; Camp Boiberik; family; Jewish identity; Jewish summer camp; Josh Waletzky; Lena Fisher; New York; Omega Institute for Holistic Studies; Shloyme Simon; socialism; socialist summer camp; Solomon Simon; Yiddish culture; Yiddish language; Yiddish singing; Yiddish song; Yiddish speaker; Yiddish summer camp; Yiddishkayt; yoga; zaidie; zayde; zaydie; zeydie

29:39 - Solomon Simon's Legacy and Reputation in the Jewish World Today

Keywords: author; children's literature; Gella Fishman; granddaughter; grandfather; heritage; Jewish community; Jewish history; Jewish identity; Jewish literature; Jewish philosophy; Jewish upbringing; Jewish values; Judaism; legacy; Lubavitch; philosophical literature; rabbi; religious literature; Shloyme Simon; Solomon Simon; writer; Yiddish community; Yiddish literature; yoga; Yoga Sutra

35:48 - Susan's Connection to Solomon Simon Today Through Writing

Keywords: creative arts; creativity; family; granddaughter; grandfather; heritage; legacy; Shloyme Simon; Solomon Simon; writer; writing

38:09 - Solomon Simon's History of Accepting Art as Payment for His Dental Work

Keywords: art; artist; bartering; charcoal drawings; dentist; paintings; photographer; photography; Shloyme Simon; Solomon Simon

40:24 - Susan Shares More Memories of Solomon Simon 41:25 - Susan Reflects on Her Passion for Photography 44:57 - The Role of Yiddish in Susan's Life Today