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0:00 - Introduction 0:36 - Janice's Family Background

Keywords: aunts; Bălăceana, Romania; congregation; cousins; father; Gorodënka; Gorodenka; Gorodyonka; grandmother; great-grandmother; great-grandparents; great-uncle; Holocaust; Horodenka; Horodenka, Ukraine; immigrants; Israel; mother; parents; Passover; Pesach; peysekh; schul; seder; Shoah; shul; synagogue; temple; Ukrainian language; uncles; World War 1; World War 2; World War I; World War II; WW1; WW2; WWI; WWII; Yiddish language

7:26 - Professions of Janice's Family Members

Keywords: Baal Shem Tov; bar mitzvah; bar-mitsve; bookbinders; Chasam Sofer; factory work; father; furriers; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; Hasam Sofer; Hebrew language; melamed; mother; parents; piecework; rabbis; sewing; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; talme-toyre; Talmud Torah

11:05 - The Homes Where Janice Grew Up

Keywords: apartments; aunts; Bedford–Stuyvesant, Brooklyn; Brooklyn, New York; father; homes; houses; Lower East Side, Manhattan; Manhattan, New York; mother; New York City; parents; Seward Park Campus; Seward Park High School; siblings; sister; uncles; Williamsburg, Brooklyn

14:58 - Jewish Observance in Janice's Childhood Home

Keywords: aunts; grandmother; kashres; kashrus; kashrut; kashruth; kosher; Orthodox Judaism; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; shomer Shabbat; shomer Shabbos; shoymer-shabes

15:53 - Janice's Lower East Side Neighborhood

Keywords: bakery; bobe; books; bubbie; congregation; dolls; father; father-in-law; films; friends; grandfather; grandmother; grandparents; Great Depression; Hebrew language; husband; immigrants; Italians; Jews; kashres; kashrus; kashrut; kashruth; kosher; Lower East Side, Manhattan; Manhattan, New York; mother; movies; New York City; Orthodox Judaism; parents; peddlers; pushcarts; Sabbath; schul; sewing; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; shopping; shops; shul; siblings; sisters; Spaniards; synagogue; temple; Yiddish newspapers

25:11 - Janice Remembers Friday Nights Growing Up

Keywords: baking; brothers; challah; chicken markets; grandmother; kashres; kashrus; kashrut; kashruth; kiddish; kiddush; kidesh; kosher; koyletsh; Lower East Side, Manhattan; Manhattan, New York; mother; New York City; ritual slaughterer; Sabbath; sewing; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; shochet; shohet; shoykhet; siblings; sisters; uncles

30:49 - Janice's Awareness of Politics as a Child

Keywords: "New York Times"; attack on Pearl Harbor; Brooklyn, New York; brothers; concentration camps; dancing; Democratic Party; Democrats; F.D.R.; father; FDR; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Franklin Roosevelt; friends; Henry Street Settlement; Holocaust; Lower East Side, Manhattan; Manhattan, New York; mother; neighborhoods; New York City; parents; Shoah; World War 1; World War 2; World War I; World War II; WW1; WW2; WWI; WWII

35:05 - Languages Janice Heard Growing Up

Keywords: "Henry V"; "Henry VIII"; Americanization; brothers; Cardinal Wolsey; English language; father; grandmother; mother; parents; siblings; sisters; Ukrainian language; William Shakespeare; Yiddish language

39:04 - Janice Discusses the Popular Yiddish Culture of Her Childhood

Keywords: "Der morgen-zhurnal"; "Di grine kuzine (The greenhorn cousin)"; "New York Times"; "Tsores bay laytn (People's troubles)"; "Ven di zin kumt oyf (When the sun comes up)"; 2nd Avenue Theater; 2nd Avenue Theatre; aunt; Brooklyn, New York; chedar; cheder; davening; davn; doven; English language; Five Books of Moses; grandmother; Hebrew language; Hebrew school; heder; kheyder; khumesh; Lower East Side, Manhattan; Manhattan, New York; mother; New York City; Pentateuch; Second Avenue Theater; Second Avenue Theatre; soap operas; talme-toyre; Talmud Torah; traditional religious school; Yiddish language; Yiddish radio; Yiddish songs; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

46:50 - The Degree of Religious Observance in Janice's Family Growing Up

Keywords: brother; congregation; davening; davn; doven; grandmother; High Holidays; Jewish holidays; Megillah; mother; National Council of Young Israel; Orthodox Judaism; Passover; Pesach; peysekh; Purim; Rosh Hashanah; rosheshone; Sabbath; schul; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; shul; siddur; sider; Simchas Torah; simkhes toyre; synagogue; temple; Tisha B'Av; Yiddish language; Yom Kippur; yom tovim; yomim tobim; yomim tovim; yontef; yontev; yontoyvim

49:38 - Janice Talks about Assimilation in America

Keywords: "Silent Night"; assimilation; Christmas songs; English language; father; Five Books of Moses; German language; Hebrew language; high school; immigration; Jewish identity; Jewish observance; Jewish values; Judaism; junior high school; middle school; mother; parents; patriotism; Pentateuch; Thanksgiving; Torah; toyre

54:53 - Janice's Higher Education and Employment

Keywords: accounting; bookkeeping; Brooklyn College; Brooklyn, New York; brothers; City College of New York; college; Hamilton Heights, Manhattan; High Holidays; Hunter College; husband; Jewish holidays; jobs; Labor Day; MA; Manhattan, New York; master's degree; New York City; New York University; NYU; physics; Rosh Hashanah; rosheshone; siblings; Simchas Torah; simkhes toyre; sisters; sukes; Sukkos; Sukkot; teaching; uncles; university; Yom Kippur; yom tovim; yomim tobim; yomim tovim; yontef; yontev; yontoyvim

60:30 - Janice Talks about Her Songwriting

Keywords: "Do-Re-Me"; "Kids and Yiddish"; "My Fair Lady"; "My Fair Melanie"; "My Square Lady"; "Oklahammer's"; "Oklahoma!"; "The Sound of Music"; "Time Was"; alef-beys; bungalow colonies; Catskill Mountains; Catskills; children; congregation; daughter-in-law; daughters; davening; davn; doven; Eliza Doolittle; English language; Fallsburg, New York; father; Folksbiene Yiddish Theatre; Freddy Eynsford-Hill; George Bernard Shaw; German language; grandparents; grandsons; Hammer's Bungalows; Hebrew language; high school; husband; Israel; Judaism; klezmer music; National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene; Orthodox Jews; Orthodox Judaism; plays; Sabbath; schul; Shabbat; Shabbos; shabes; Shirley Cohen; shul; songs; sons; synagogue; temple; Yiddish language; Zalmen Mlotek

71:58 - Janice's Thoughts about Yiddish

Keywords: "It Could Always Be Worse"; "Kids and Yiddish"; "King Lear"; Arbeter Ring; daughter-in-law; English language; Hebrew language; Mame-loshn; Workers Circle; Workmen’s Circle; Yiddish language; Yiddish theater; Yiddish theatre

80:12 - Janice's Involvement with Theater Productions of Jewish Folklore

Keywords: "Ale brider (All brothers)"; "Bulbes in space (Potatoes in space)"; "Der morgen-zhurnal"; "Di alte heym (The old country)"; "Fliendiker freser (Flying freeloader)"; "Forverts"; "It Could Always Be Worse"; "Kalypso"; "Kauboychik (Cowboy)"; "Maysterverk (Masterwork)"; "My Favorite Things"; "Oyrobics"; "Shlemiel, the Businessman"; "The Forward"; "The Jewish Daily Forward"; "The Sound of Music"; "The Yeatles"; "The Yiddish Daily Forward"; brother-in-law; Chanukah; Chelm; costumes; daughter-in-law; Folksbiene Yiddish Theatre; grandchildren; grandfather; grandsons; Hanukkah; khanike; klezmer music; Mame-loshn; Mickey Mouse; mother; National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene; photographs; props

89:42 - Janice's Involvement in Jewish Summer Camps

Keywords: arts and crafts; bungalow colonies; Camp Beaver Lake; Camp Hillel; children; daughters; husband; Jewish summer camps; Machanayim; plays; songwriting; sons

93:07 - Concluding Thoughts