The Shmooze: The Yiddish Book Center's podcast

Judaism Unbound Podcast Considers Yiddish in America

This week we visit with Daniel Libenson, host of the "Judaism Unbound" podcast. Daniel talks about the launch of a new series of episodes entitled "Yiddish in America," presented in partnership with the Yiddish Book Center's Decade of Discovery, a new initiative of the Yiddish Book Center designed to foster a deeper understanding of Yiddish and modern Jewish culture in the United States. The "Judaism Unbound" "Yiddish in America" series will feature interviews with a range of scholars and practitioners for whom Yiddish plays a central role in their work and in their lives. It kicks off on January 3 with Daniel's interview with Yiddish Book Center founder and president Aaron Lansky.

Listen now

Click here to listen to Judaism Unbound's first episode of the series "Yiddish in America."