Programs on Yiddish literature and culture recorded at Montreal's Jewish Public Library, 1953-2005
אַברהם סוצקעװער קבלת פּנים
בערמאַן | מיכאַל סימאָן | מלך ראַװיטש | י.י. שװאַרץ | אַ. סוצקעװער | אַ. טראַפּונסקי | יעקב גראָסמאַן
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avrom sutskever kabolas ponim
Mit: בערמאַן | מיכאַל סימאָן | מלך ראַװיטש | י.י. שװאַרץ | אַ. סוצקעװער | אַ. טראַפּונסקי | יעקב גראָסמאַן
Abraham Sutzkever Reception
Featuring: Joseph Berman | Michael Simon | Melech Ravitch | Y.Y. Schwartz | Avrom Sutzkever | A. Trapunski | Jacob Grossman
This event took place on April 11, 1959.
This recording was digitized and added to the audio library in November 2015.
This recording is in Yiddish
More information about this recording:
View the full record for this recording on Internet Archive.