The Yiddish Book Center's

New York Public Library - Yiddish Book Center Yizkor Book Project

Memorial books that document Jewish life before World War II, along with vivid firsthand accounts of the Holocaust and its aftermath

מעזריטש : זאמלבוך אין הײליקן אנדענק פון די אומגעקומענע ײדן אין אונדזער געבױרן־שטאט אין פױלן : צום 10טן יארצײט

הארן, יוסף, 1906-

Mezriṭsh : zamlbukh in heyliḳn ondenk fun di umgeḳumene Yidn in undzer geboyrn-shṭoṭ in Poyln : tsum 10ṭn yortsayṭ

Horn, José, 1906-

This Yizkor book commemorates Miedzyrzec (Poland)

This edition was published in 1952 by Aroysgegebn fun Mezriṭsher landslayṭ-farayn in Argenṭine in Buenos Ayres. It was added to the digital library in January 2017.

Published in Yiddish
646 pages.

Notes about this book

Locations for this book